Caravan diy

poonee, Nov 14, 2:34pm
Am doing up a caravan from scratch, have finished all the framework and am wanting to line it with ply now. My dad has told me I can't put up wall paper as the movement of the caravan will cause the paper to tear/wrinkle etc where the joint are. He also said that for the same reason I will have to use those ugly long plastic strip things for joining the plywood like u would do with ceratone in a bathroom. Can anyone tell me if this is true, or help in any way

docsportello, Nov 14, 3:25pm
Can you precover the panelling with wallpaper or "front runner" or whatever you use? Without joiners there will likely be gaps. Just depends how good you are at fitting panels. On the otherhand, if you give some planning, you might be able to purposely create wide gaps between sections of panels for a deliberate over-sized tile look.

But whatever you do, once your dad finds out you said he might be fibbing to you on a National message board, you are gunna be grounded so long your caravan will be only good to use in your retirement!

maclad, Nov 14, 4:34pm
Ha, ha, ha ROTFL, funny

johotech, Nov 14, 8:33pm
The joint strips you should use for caravan have a separate top cover.
Like this.

So what you can do is fit the bottom of the joint strip, then fit the ply, screwing and gluing in the center as necessary.
Then wallpaper the ply. Then fit the top of the joint cover.

5425, Nov 14, 10:52pm
Why not buy the plywood designed for caravans.?
A good selection was in Sunshine ave in Hamilton when I last bought some.

poonee, Nov 15, 7:24am
I have bought the ply designed for caravans, doesn't change the fact that there will be joins

poonee, Nov 15, 7:26am
Yes thanks johotech, still ugly though aren't they. Was hoping for the seamless look of a wall in your house etc

budgel, Feb 13, 5:03pm
Isnt wallpaper in caravans a bit Aunty Beverly?