I'd have walked them to the meat grinder and turned them into burger patties.
May 28, 5:30pm
Were the rats running along the wall of the shed and helping themselves to the sheep nuts? Some of the rats were living under wood pallets that the hay was stored on? The rats were taking eggs from the duck nests?
May 28, 5:32pm
Mr and Mrs Rabbit ended up in the freezer. In fact think about 18 of them did. Just a soft touch with baby bun buns.
May 30, 6:44am
A note to all who have an ongoing rodent problem! make sure that you change the type of bait you use every so often as they will get wary of one type that kill off there mates and will avoid it.
May 30, 7:03am
Rats, mice, they all like to come inside for the winter.
May 30, 5:38pm
Thats why Good Nature Traps are so good. They put their little ratty head up to sniff out the food and bang. Lights out for ratty. I found sheep nuts were a good bait. Took out quite a few mice too.
May 31, 5:35am
Throw a fox terrier into the ceiling cavity and wait for the killing to start.
May 31, 6:58am
Did you sprinkle the nuts around the base? We've had a plague of rats so I bought a goodnature, the counter only reads 2 although we've seen dozens. Very disappointing! I had to go back to the rat bait which I was hoping to avoid.
May 31, 8:20am
I remember that, but can't remember who it was
May 31, 11:28am
I had a little container of sheep nuts without a lid sitting on the timber framing of the shed. I kept it there because our two goats are very smart and refuse to let themselves be caught. So the sheepnuts are bribery so I am allowed to hook their collar and tie them up for 10 minutes while the horse has his feed which of course is not a good feed for goats as it is too high in protein for them. Keeping in mind that sheepnuts are also not good for goats either but two sheep nuts each is all it takes and they are happy. Anyway the sheepnuts started to disappear rather quickly so I queried number 2 son, was he handing out sheepnuts. Nope. Then I just happened to see a furry little brown bum with a rather large tail disappear between the bales of hay. This turned into quite a war over a period of weeks. I would put down rat bait daily where I saw ratty disappear. The bait would disappear sometimes daily sometimes every few days. I had removed the sheepnuts so ratty didn't have his little treat. As time went on I found rattys bolthole along with a very nice store of ratbait nicely stacked but no rat. So I figured ratty must have really like those sheep nuts so I moved the goodnature trap to the back of the shed and instead of the bait that comes with the trap I filled the little canister at the top with sheepnuts. I laid two nuts as the bottom of the trap so ratty was lured back. It took a couple of days and then bam we got our ratty. The trap has been rather quiet of late but I did catch another rat not so long ago and I have seen no evidence of rats lately.
May 31, 2:04pm
Thats why i got a hungry bin worm farm,now all food scraps go in there.
May 31, 2:37pm
Went to orchard today. We have rat poison blocks nailed to a floor timber all year round. They vanish rapidly this time of year. Not exactly piquant fragrance of rotting rat through the shed at present. The rat numbers will drop during June and the ambience in the shed will improve again.
Jun 4, 2:22pm
I love my Good Nature Rat trap. It has done its job again along with the sheep nuts. One medium sized rat gone over the rainbow.
Jun 4, 4:57pm
Are good nature traps the best, sounds like the one we need, do you get multiple kills in a day?
Jun 5, 1:45pm
google them. There is a little gas canister that resets the trap each time so if you put it in the right place it will kill any ratty that puts its head up the funnel to check out the "food". My rats seem to like sheep nuts so I put them in the little bait chamber instead of the good nature bait.
Jun 5, 3:14pm
Hi people, I havent had time to read this thread, but have just noticed rats have been in a bathroom draw, I only look in this draw once or so aweek its were I keep soap, face cream etc etc. Anyway I have just found mountains of rat droppings in the draw, especially the soap (ice cream container with bars of soap) which rats have been chewing/eating on the soap. So today I bought pestroil rat/mice bat, should I clean out the draw and just leave the container of bait for the rats or just put the container in draw ontop of the rat droppings. Thanks alot.
Jun 5, 3:25pm
DOC has good success with them but we bought one and found it useless. Rats everywhere and the counter only read two after weeks in spite of following the instructions exactly.
Jun 6, 4:06am
I would clean out the draw jills, they will be back.
Our Jack Russell is our rabbit, rat and stoat catcher. He's a tenacious little thing! But we do put bait in the ceiling nailed down. 'Our' rats seem to prefer the blue circular bait shaped like a donut. When in the ceiling they sound like a herd of elephants! Since taking our old open fire out we seem to have less rats and mice. There was a hole in the floor behind the wall where they were coming in and storing walnuts from the tree across the road. The wall and fire (never used it as it was unsafe) have now gone along with other holes we found during our renovation. And our neighbor has cut down the walnut tree. As much as we miss the walnuts, it certainly made a difference to the rat population here.
Jun 6, 9:08am
I think a problem can be the bait they use. Clean their bait out and keep the little container and put in your own bait. Use whatever is around your place the rats like to eat. I use sheep nuts but some pelleted horse feed is good as is nuts.
Jun 6, 1:48pm
Nail the bait down or they will take it away to store for later. Lol. Maybe put it in an onion bag and tie to the draw handle. I find unless it is tied or nailed down I go thru heaps of bait but now that I nail it down one bait gives me peace. and I have never had one die in the walls
Jun 10, 5:32am
We also use the dog's kibble, they can't resist it.
Jun 10, 6:53am
I used to have rats every winter in the ceiling. Id put poison up there and it resulted in stinking dead rats under the insulation with someone having to go and collect the dead bodies, so gross. So last year, i got the pest controller man in. He put bait all around the garden outside, threaded on wire inside pipes so nothing else could eat it. i have never seen or heard another rat since. Now we get bait from Farmlands in a bucket and refil the pipes as needed. The baits still being eaten but the rats have never come back into the house.
Jun 11, 5:15am
No rat is going to get my nuts.
Jun 11, 5:47am
Talking about funny . Went out to inspect the squeaking going on by the rat trap and found a mouse by the tail in the rap trap. Didn't have the heart to kill it so let it go . 3 steps later it's head dived into the mouse trap ! whahahahaha Broken tail and broken neck did the job good ! Why kill it when it will do it it's self ! hahahahaha
Jun 11, 5:48am
What did you use to stop the pellets falling through? Big sheep nuts would balance in there but I have little calf pellets and they fall out.
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