I have just bought a rat trap from mitre 10.Grey one, I am wondering what I should put on it,Is there anything that works well !.
Jan 28, 10:11pm
Peanut butter for bait & tie the trapdown.
Jan 28, 10:51pm
if not inside somewhere, think of the birds
Jan 28, 11:59pm
Pineapple lumps.
Jan 29, 1:26am
Of course I was meaning inside . I should have stated that. Silly me, I assumed that rats in sheds/garages/houses were the only ones to worry about.
Jan 29, 1:30am
true but one can never be sure
Jan 29, 1:35am
I hate the b'stards! Have had them in my garage, making a nest under a freezer . it ate heaps of bait & still evidence of it around . but at least setting the trap, you know you've had a strike!
Jan 29, 1:45am
yes , they are very destructive , I don't like them either
traps are best and cheaper I just use racumin paste pellets now as I have a few sheds that are open at the front like the hay barn etc once I got on top of the problem, I don't use much now , but pays not to put to much out at once if not nailed or tied down in a bait station as theyhord them up in their nest
Jan 29, 8:33pm
Maybe get a fierce cat! My son-in-law says even the best rat catching cats will only make a small dent in the rat population, but I do think they at least keep them away from the house.
Jan 29, 9:39pm
I have found since my dogs passed and having no cat that the bird life has increased and now I find it quite interesting especally the weka and if I have to go away somewhere no worries just lock the door and go :)
Jan 30, 1:34am
I have 4 cats, now I have zero rats, yet still have cal quail, tui's bellbirds etc .they don't care about my cats, and my cats don't care about them.Ongoing rat control is great.for every rat you see, there's around half a doz you don't.
Jan 30, 2:29am
yippee and I thought one was bad enough.Set trap but still no rat.My two dogs aregood ratters but my garden has big holes everywhere.Im a bit worried the rats will go through to the padock where the neighbours sheep are and then the dogs will be in trouble.
Jan 30, 12:45pm
Neighbour has a rat infestation. Since me and cat moved next door, I haven't seen so many lately. None here at all in the last 2 years. They sure do keep them at bay, even if not quite extinct.
Jan 30, 5:24pm
I have rats in the roof our home. If I put Storm Secure rat poison pellets into rat bait station and put it in ceiling cavity will the rats eat the poison and go outside to die or will I have to climb up there and remove their bodies! I would really appreciate advice.
Jan 30, 7:58pm
Rats will often go back to there nests to die if their nest is in the roof cavity in the insulation etc.they will die there. Honestly most times they don't smell that bad if they die in the roof cavity unless you have a lot of them, it's worse if they die in the wall space.
Jan 30, 8:04pm
thanks for the answer - if I leave them there won't we get blowflies! Had some rats die in an old garden shed and we had heaps of blowflies until I discovered the bodies.
Jan 30, 10:43pm
I am under the assumption that the bait makes them thirsty , so they will leave the roofspace anyway and probably get to sick to climb back up before they die , I used to do this and have not seen any or smelt any in the roof space now though I set a rat trap , as usually the seem to turn up in the early hours of the morning and thunder around like theres a cat sized creature there and keep me awake the sound of a snap and then the quiet afterwards I have found to be quitesleepogenic
Jan 30, 11:02pm
It is a myth that rat bait makes rats search for water google it.
Rat baits have anticoagulants this makes the rats bleed internally this can make them cold and sometimes this will make them search out warmth like the sun but that is another reason also why they go to there nest.
If you can and are willing to remove bodies it would probably be best most people employing a professional dont get them removed if they arent smelling, attracting flies etc. as they dont want to pay for it but I would remove them if it was my own house.
Jan 30, 11:38pm
thank you all for your response - hopefully soon I won't wake to the sound of rats having a party in the roof.
Feb 1, 1:51am
Last night I set the rat trap up inside the compost bin,It had been triggered and had shifted, but no rat,I tied it to the vents so it is more stable hopefully I will get it tonight.It must have been a big rat to get away.
Feb 1, 2:03am
Good luck catching that rat lol!
If you still have no joy you could put the trap in a bait station sort of like this
Less chance of them getting free or dragging the trap away.
Feb 1, 2:04am
tut ut what would Gareth Morgan think LOL. Our cat is a good rat catcher leaves them on the lawn andthe ride on mower finds them
Feb 2, 2:29pm
We use Talon rat poison (bought from PGG Wrightson)& place it under the house (so dogs don't go touching it) Actually dogs are pretty intellegent when it comes to the poison or any dead rat they find, they won't touch it. Anyway the ras eat the poison & it makes them really thirsty so they go in search of water. We heard one getting round in our roof recently. The baits been eaten & the overhead noises have gone!
Feb 3, 2:21pm
Well second time trap is triggered,no rat,its starting to getpersonal.I might have to get a bigger trap.still not keen on poision though.I am on a mish now. Im out to get you Ratty.
Feb 3, 2:26pm
Before we had a male cat here we saw rats often. He's made a big enough dent in the population that neither we or our neighbours have seen one in the five years we've had him, nor any traces of them apart from the dead bodies he kindly leaves in the garden near the house. This year he's cleaned out a nest including the breeding female. On the plus side, the natives birds are flourishing so I assume the rats had been getting to their nests as well.
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