The rats probably don't notice that they've been poisoned. In 1995 some NZ scientists radio tracked Talon poisoned rats and they didn't change their behaviour. "Most rats died in their nests after poisoning, suggesting that few dead rats will be found in the open after a Talon poisoning operation."
Feb 3, 5:18pm
why! is a label claim![bet its not]
Feb 3, 8:07pm
heard a good one this morning.a farmer who'd seen where a rat had walked out of the neigbouring maize patch, and into his shed. So he set up a rabbit trap (whatever that is), right on it's track.caught a rat every day for 52 days!Just shows how 1 isn't just 1!
Feb 23, 10:51am
Look for "Cage trap" on TM. I got one last year for catching rats outside and didn't want the chance of killing some poor unsuspecting animal. First thing I got was a hedgehog. Let it go then got a couple of rats after that.
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