Clivia Colour Change

akl439, May 17, 2:29pm
Don't know if I've totally lost the plot, but for the past few years this clivia has been a pale yellow open flower (like the bright orange common ones). This year it has decided to change colour - how has that happened?

dibble35, May 17, 4:44pm
Is it a diff clivia thats started to grow in your clump of others? Had to google it as the flower doesnt look like the clivia flower i'm used to seeing. But I see C. nobilis and one other have flowers like this. very interesting.

akl439, May 17, 4:51pm
All I know is that last year this clump was pale yellow and now they have a different flower type and different colour.

maclad, Nov 9, 3:58pm
it is a Clivia but that is all I can tell you. I rather like them in this form, just planted one of my own, a bit different, always good. Perhaps , some how some seeds may have sown themselves in your plant and this is the result. I would treasure and encourage it.