Skirting repaint colour ?

poolgirl6, Sep 2, 2:21am
Repainting interior walls, and skirtings. (not doors and architraves hopefully)
Is it ok to paint skirtings same colour as walls.
Architraves and doors not on the list to do. The walls will not be the same colour as existing doors etc.
comments please.

mtbotrev, Sep 2, 2:55am
personal choice Im a traditionalist so I do my in white. well "alabaster" this time around.

If everything else looks clean and new why not paint architraves and scotia. You can then do a door at a time.

poolgirl6, Sep 2, 2:59am
Wall colour I am looking at is white , 1/2 Thornton cream.
But architraves and doors are possibly pearl lusta.

mtbotrev, Sep 2, 4:17am
For me its just about subtle contrasts sometimes albeit my alabaster is against half manorburn or half haast.

Yours might be too subtle to bother with differentiating. can u test anywhere?

zak410, Sep 2, 4:09pm
The same colour as the walls but with a higher gloss level looks good IMO for skirtings and architraves.

pskpinks, Sep 2, 4:27pm
If you did the skirtings in a very light colour - i.e 1/4 Pearl Lusta - it would look good with 1/2 Thorndon Cream. Any deeper version of PL will be more dominant than the wall colour.Mind you in saying that you might want the skirtings to be a stronger feature colour.

groovie1, Sep 2, 5:25pm
Awhile back now I did a tester strip about a foot wide from ceiling to floor and let it rest for a few days. In the end I decided I preferred the traditional method and painted my skirting boards a lighter colour to break the monotony. It comes down to personal preference in the end.

kcc55a, Sep 2, 5:47pm
It always comes down to personal preference in the end

asue, Sep 2, 5:51pm
I painted mine the same as the walls and wasn't happy with it at all. Gave it a blah can't be bothered look about it. Luckily it was the rumpus room. Wouldn't do it again like that.

underconstructy, Sep 2, 9:08pm
Thornton cream, pearl luster and Alabster! do people have no imagination anymore? They have to be the 3 colours 90% of NZers paint there interiors.

macandrosie, Sep 3, 1:48am
What's the style/age of your home? An older home with deep skirtings would suit a different colour. Linen? But does depend on your wall colour.

barbiedoll, Sep 4, 2:11am
I have painted my skirtings same colour as the walls. I like it.

poolgirl6, Sep 4, 4:06am
Linen is a possible choice. Thanks for your input everyone. Need to keep an open mind re colours. The test pots I have used on the white board supplied by Resene, just don't seem to be the same depth as the samples.

dollydot, Sep 4, 7:20pm
Popular in many homes especially modern ones. Not lack of imagination at all. Many want to bring out colour with accessories/furnishings, lighting and feature walls.

dollydot, Sep 4, 7:26pm
Whatever you like goes really. Look at open homes and homes for sale on-line to get ideas etc. We've just done a full interior repaint. We had Resene half pearl lusta on the walls so wanted this again as we have quite deep feature colours to add punches of colour. Skirtings and scotias were changed from white to half pearl lusta. Doors and architraves now in double pearl lusta replacing a pale yellow on doors which looked too early 2000's. Feature wall in family room is Resene Merlot. Couple of other feature walls to come. Took advice from the decorators who are also family. Trends at the moment that they do a lot are to do skirtings and scotias (and often the ceiling) in the same neutral colour with doors and architraves something neutral that tones well but a little darker. Feature walls if you wanted them in paint or wallpaper.

kateley, Sep 4, 8:06pm
I've recently painted mine in Resene Orchid - walls, skirting, scotias and ceiling all the same. Made it so much easier and quicker as no cutting in and I reckon it looks great.

poolgirl6, Oct 9, 11:00am
Aaaah, so am on the right track after all. Thanks for your input.