Can anyone I.D this"weed" growing in my lawn?

timbo69, Aug 12, 3:35pm

I like to spray it without harming my grass - any recommendations of spray type?

thanks in advance

gilligee, Aug 12, 3:47pm
Kills weeds without affecting the grass.

kateley, Aug 12, 3:48pm
Looks like 'dead nettle'.
Any lawn spray will kill it without killing the grass.
Mow it first and wait till they start to re-grow for best results.
You also need to read the instructions on your spray on how to dispose of the clippings after spraying.

timbo69, Aug 12, 3:54pm
Thanks, I should have mentioned my lawn is 8500sq/m - collection of clippings isn't practical.

annies3, Aug 12, 7:31pm
We mow and collect the grass from around three acres it is practical, it is used for compost and also as mulch, the chooks love a fresh lot, and when we have no need for the above the cattle enjoy a munch on it.

woody89, Aug 13, 12:30am
None of those ideas can be used for clippings collected AFTER the lawn has been sprayed.

tegretol, Aug 13, 6:59pm

zirconium, Aug 14, 1:24pm
Looks like a mint (mentha). Penny royal, garden mint and peppermint all from similar herbs.

timbo69, Aug 14, 7:12pm
Can I borrow your lawnmower?
P.S Pretty sure cut grass is not good for stock - cant it kill lambs/sheep?

annies3, Aug 15, 8:00am
We don't have any sheep and for certain NEVER feed lawn clippings to horses in any shape or form, but for cattle it seems fine, ours had the odd lot over the years with no ill effects

The lawn mower is a JD great to use.

silvertiger7, Aug 15, 10:00am
It's commonly known as staggerweed, Stachys arvensis - one of the lamium family. It's easy to pull out rather than spraying. Read about it here:

timbo69, Aug 15, 2:08pm
Thanks, Im not likely to pull at area is too big!

malcovy, Oct 6, 5:07pm
Silver tiger that site is wonderful. I bookmarked it for reference.