Dull alu windows

lilyfield, Dec 14, 11:37pm
My dark green frames look horrible faded. Is there a product that will refresh the baked on paint! I have tried car polish- doesn'work.

budgel, Dec 14, 11:52pm
Give them a wipe with baby oil, or a product such as armour all.

sanders4, Dec 15, 6:21pm
Powder coat is coming to the end of its life, we cleaned ours with solvent, masked up and then used etch primer followed by 2 coats enamel, still look like new after 5 years. All alloy coloured to dark bronze to make joinerylook more modern.

lilyfield, Dec 15, 7:00pm
That sounds like a horrible way , but I probably have no other choice as frames also have white overspray spots from previous careless painter.
Can you tell me excactlywhat products you used please !
Did you mask the rubberstrips !

sanders4, Dec 16, 7:20am
Etch primer, grey or bronze, easy as to spray from aerosol can, and yes it is necessary to mask rubber as well as taping newspaper over glass and wall to prevent overspray. Any good paint shop will give you product details and advice, if you want to see my handiwork check out ivan sanders in auckland phone directory.

lilyfield, Dec 16, 4:42pm
thank you sanders4