Passive vent above windows?

jane310567, Jun 23, 2:32am

stevo2, Jun 23, 2:51am
Not that actual brand but yes, I've had them and they are good in single glazed windows.
They help reduce condensation.
I dont think I would use them in double glazed joinery though

budgel, Jun 23, 4:21pm
Years ago I was supervising for a company that built panel houses which were damn near hermetically sealed when closed up. After the first couple of houses those became standard a fitting in all rooms. They worked well.

lissie, Jun 24, 4:54am
Hmm if you are getting new windows just get h the latches that have a position where the window can be securely left slightly ajar

jane310567, Dec 7, 7:43pm
good idea lissie - forgot about those!