NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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jules., Jul 9, 4:54am
saw my first spring flowers today! neighbours have some jonquils (spelling!) that the kids and i were more than happy to smell test. and my sisters daffodils were out in full bloom aswell. roll on spring!

jen92, Jul 9, 7:02am
Hi Julie, I received your plum cuttings in the mail today - Thank you so much ! which is the 'top' and which is the 'bottom'!I've sent you an email.

stevee6, Jul 9, 4:54pm
I can't wait for spring - I'm already over winter! This has been colder than normal too - nasty! The good thing is I've realised that my few winter plantings - camellia sasanqua Apple Blossom, violets, red hot pokers and my paperwhite jonquils lift my spirits far more than I expected. So I invested in a wintersweet bush as well(none of this is vege/fruit but hey, food for the soul matters too!).

jen92, Jul 9, 8:38pm
Stevee6.can you help me with this query please! Julie must be busy as I haven't heard back from her regarding the plum cuttings she sent me.How do I plant them the correct side up!They have been cut at an angle and the other side cut straight across!I want to get them in the ground today before the weather turns nasty tomorrow.Cheers and thanks.

stevee6, Jul 9, 8:55pm
Hey Jen :-) What way up are the buds on the sides! I'd guess the buds point away from the rooting end.

drewboy, Jul 9, 9:56pm
gggrr damn frosts why is it that once I planted my veggies we have had a frost every morning LOL

jen92, Jul 9, 10:06pm
Oh good point Stevee, I checked and all the buds point upwards from the slanted cuts.I'll plant them with the buds pointing skywards.Thanks for the tip.I definitely need you and Julie as neighbours.LOLOL

stevee6, Jul 9, 10:10pm
Wouldn't it be cool to have gardening neighbours! I've not ever had anyone as psychotic as I am about gardening as a neighbour - so sad! LOL drewboy - you think fate is dogging you!

simplesean, Jul 9, 11:26pm
Even better. a community garden - that would be totally oosh!

imrae1, Jul 10, 12:45am
Stevia help please I have seeds to sow. How do I use the leaves please

drewboy, Jul 10, 6:23pm
i think your right steve. i missed lynda on sunrise yesterday.what did I miss.Lynda, if your reading, you need to go to much better than sunrise!:P

stevee6, Jul 10, 9:19pm
Drew - she wasn't on yesterday - I caught the end of it and it was a guy from Christchurch Botanical Gardens talking about fruit trees. I wish Lynda had her own programme - Breakfast used to have her on last year but both programmes only give her five minutes! Ridiculous! When I win lotto.btw - got my sweet pea seeds from NZ Gardener today - can't wait to get them going!

jen92, Jul 10, 10:14pm
Good you received your seeds Stevee, now you'll have another competition to enter.Had the garden maintenance bloke here yesterday and he did a stirling job of pruning some humungus trees for me.He also took away ALL my prunings from a few month back, so I have more room to plant some things now.Day before that I planted 6 Aristea Major plants in the front garden by the mailbox.They look spiffing even if I say so myself.They were huge shrubs, could only fit one at a time in my wheelbarrow.Tomorrow I'm going to buy some treated wood to use as poles for birdfeeders and birdhouses in the garden. What have you been up to in the garden lately!

stevee6, Jul 10, 10:34pm
Eeek you've been busy! I've had a nasty cold so only been doing a wee bit. We're still waiting for some poles to be delivered so we can put them along the side of the verandah(pergola roof) then the gardens can be dug over and the plants moved into them(I've got a quite old grapevine that's been languishing in a pot - can't wait to get it planted and climbing the new pergola). It's all part of a long plan to clear the backyard of inherited mess. One thing I do have is pots for Africa! Didn't realise I'd planted so many things that now need moving!

simplesean, Jul 10, 10:56pm
Anyone got their friday newsletter yet.! meep meep

simplesean, Jul 10, 10:58pm should write about how to raise and eat garden snails! Gordon Ramsay did it on the F word. thy looked nice, but i haven't been brave enough yet! lol

jules., Jul 10, 11:59pm
We've had 3 whole days of beautiful sun, so I finally got the lawns done and had a good tidy up.
I changed all the hay in the chook house and rabbit hutch too.
Lent on the fence chatting to my neighbour.all the important stuff :)

stevee6, Jul 11, 12:01am
Not yet - Lynda must be writing like a mad thing! Dunno how she does it each week - something new.

jen92, Jul 11, 1:47am
Haha Sean, I just received my weekly newsletter from Lynda.She tells a good story every week, never a dull moment.I haven't had a cold or flu YET Stevee, keeping my fingers crossed.It's going to be pelting down tomorrow, so I'll have to wait till Sunday to do some more gardening.The last storm we had ripped the awning above my garden swing to shreds, but luckily I found a new awning on TM and going to pick it up tomorrow.

jules., Jul 11, 7:10pm
well so much for spring! we have had the wild past 24 hrs! the rain and wind has been so strong and gusty. its still raining but the wind is easing off a bit now. we have several large trees and tree branches down around the property, and i havnt even been up the drive to see if we can get out. all my veges are lying down, im hoping it wont have any long term effects. my poor chooks are all looking like drowned rats. even my husband said 'where did that little brown one come from!', she looked so much smaller and different wet. i have put up a tarpolin for them to shelter under as the rain is driving into thier fenced area and they wont go into thier houses, they'd rather stand in the rain and look stupid :) how is everyone else getting on! i think for the most part, the bad weather was ment to be only from auckland up. hope it blows over soon, theres only so much cleaning to be done (which i did yesterday) and movies the kids can watch (they are still in thiers pjs).

whiskey13, Jul 11, 8:09pm
Hi everyone. Haven't posted for awhile and thats because my partner and i have been in talks with his sister to purchase 20 acres off her 50 arce farm (20mins from where we are now) and after tooing and froing have finally been aproved for the loan. Just as well cos i was wondering where i was gonna plant my new plum tree(duff's early jewel). Most of my edibles have been put in pots over the last few years because of the desire for a lifesyle block

juliewn, Jul 12, 3:46am
I'm looking forward to Spring too. September 1st. and counting till then. though my vege garden areas aren't ready yet for planting as I've done little in my garden lately - it's so good being inside with a fire burning in our newly installed fireplace. My snowdrops are looking gorgeous. I transplanted some to here and they look lovely. and the fabulous golden lemons look amazing on my tree. a lovely bright colour on cold wintery days. Keep safe and warm everyone.

jules., Jul 12, 5:39am
Thats such great news whiskey! CONGRATULATIONS!
There will be NO shortage of garden space now, it will just be a case of keeping the animals out :)

stevee6, Jul 12, 4:44pm
Jules - hope you've not been too badly hit by the weekend's nastiness and that this week isn't as bad as they've forecast. Husband is a trooper - he was out in the wind and rain yesterday moving an underground power cable so it goes to the new shed, and finishing the framework of the raised beds. I just wish we'd have some fine weather in the weekends instead of a day or two during the week. The poor guy hasn't seen this place in sunshine for weeks!

whiskey13, Jul 12, 9:05pm
My day has just gotten better,my partners sister has just told me to expect a green gage tree for my birthday (which is today) and she dropped by with a mini green house and three Asiatic lilly bulbs (orange) Feeling very spoilt :)