NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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kitkarlie, Jul 4, 2:41am
Nope Still waiting for mine.

mary92, Jul 4, 3:55am
Thanks Juliewyn jus joined up. I use to buy the magazine it was so good when I was working, bu the information will be pretty helpful (I need it) but I just love he garden.

simplesean, Jul 4, 4:15am
Mine arrived about half an hour ago and this thread is now only 19 away from 500!

jardinet, Jul 4, 5:33am
oops. I was a bit late sending the e-newsletter out today. Sick with the flu so my brain isn't functioning quite as quickly as it should. I haven't been eating enough garlic I guess :)

I hope it stops raining for a few hours this weekend. I've got a backlog of plants waiting to go in!

Lynda H

jen92, Jul 4, 7:28am
#477 That's wonderful news Julie.MUCH appreciated indeed !I was on my way to bed but decided to check my emails.Cheers and thanks. *happy face*

juliewn, Jul 4, 8:10am
Hi Lynda. I hope you're feeling better quickly . and that you have time over the weekend to give yourself some TLC. Take care.

juliewn, Jul 4, 8:15am
Hi Jen. I'm glad you saw my post. Check out Auction Number: 164228692 for my gift of plum tree cuttings :-). Cheers. Julie

jen92, Jul 4, 9:50pm
A million thanks Julie. I've emailed you.(((hugs)))

jen92, Jul 4, 9:52pm
I went to check on my mailbox and found the Sweetpea seeds from the latest NZ Gardener.Did you all remember to send a SAE to collect your seeds too!It's first come, first served.So don't forget, (while stocks last). LOL

bob368, Jul 6, 12:14am
bumpin 4 Spring news from everyone!

stevee6, Jul 6, 12:33am
Scrappy - check with your local council as they should have community gardens(if there is enough interest).

stevee6, Jul 6, 5:35pm
I'm a good girl and actually got my a into g sending in my sae lol! So with luck there'll still be a few seeds left for me. My earlier planted sweet peas have germinated nicely and these ones are going in a new patch of garden with(I hope) an innovative support to show them off beautifully! So this spring I should be able to waft around the garden in a cloud of sweet pea scent.

purplegoanna, Jul 6, 6:23pm
oooo i know its abit late but i finally got myself some garlic bulbs to plant as long as it dosnt rain i can plant them sometime today. my rubarb has forgiven me for cutting it in two & rehoming it elsewhere by producing new leaves on each plant and my Babaco tree is living quite happily in its homemade plastic house, so well that ive tricked my pepper seeds into growing in it to so i can have two lots of plants this year.mmmmm me thinking my gardens not big enough! lol

simplesean, Jul 6, 6:39pm
490 only 10 away from 500!

juliewn, Jul 7, 6:10am
Hi - this was from an earlier thread - hope this helps.

drewboy, Jul 7, 10:49pm
One 3yr old to a free home I have just found my 'delightful' 3 yr old in my veggie garden merrily pulling out all my plants.I couldnt' believe my eyes.I just wanted to burst into tears.He must have yanked 80% out.I quickly replanted them, but god knows what I have planted where.the couli's are probably in with the brussel sprouts, the cabbages are mixed with the brocolli.aaarrrgggh the little sh!t!

stevee6, Jul 7, 11:18pm
roflmao Drew - I'm sorry, but been there done that and survived(so did the child responsible - just!). Fencing off your valuable vege patch is the answer, sorry to say. Chicken wire and some cheap wooden stakes do a great job, and make the wee plonker his own garden with an old painted tyre. Look at it this way, this might be the start of a great horticultural career ;-)

drewboy, Jul 8, 1:28am
hes got his own flaming garden!. but he would obviously rather ruin mine.He has finally been allowed out of his room.I think I will have to put barbed wire around the top to keep the budding gardener out!.and heres me thinking the chickens would be the problem LOL

whiskey13, Jul 8, 6:46pm
I WON ! My partner, this year, after 12 years, has finally brought me something i wanted for my birthday on sunday(13th). A subscription to N.Z. Gardener magazine,and yesterday i recieved a letter saying i was one of 50 that won the kenwood slowcooker and campbells real stock packs.I felt like the cat that not only got the cream but the strawberries as well! But my partner now wants to know if it belongs to the person the subscription is for or the person who paid for it!( Cheeky bugger! Mum's already offered to relieve me of my old one!)Not bad for a double whammy for my birthday

hannah-lee, Jul 8, 8:31pm
woohoo whiskey! lucky you! Interesting read about the globe artichokes, My granny gave me a cutting of hers a couple of months ago, which she took a cutting from her mothers garden. Thankfully it has taken and it's silvery leaves look beautiful, can't wait to try cooking the globes. I haven't been in here for a while but have just caught up on all your posts. Loving Homegrown 2! lots of ideas that I want to try out.
At the moment I am making a huge pile of compost that is coming along beautifully, and I am going to add it to a large old sandpit on our property for a whole new garden, yippee! I am planning to do a large berry patch (will transpart my strawberries which have taken over the garden) and will add raspberries and blueberries, also some carrots and other bits and bobs.

stevee6, Jul 8, 8:56pm
LOLOL Drew. Hang in there kid - only another 14/15 years to go ;-)

drewboy, Jul 9, 2:30am
ghez steve. aren't you just a ray of sunshine PMSL!

stevee6, Jul 9, 4:05am
LOL if only you knew - you do have my sincere sympathy as I've been there! And mine grew up, eventually :-)

purplegoanna, Jul 9, 4:18am
sorry but its so damn close .

purplegoanna, Jul 9, 4:19am
and ive never had a 5hundy before.happy gardening everyone!