NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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jules., Jun 21, 4:30am
i got an orange berry plant today, do they need any special treatment! i organised most of my strawberry plants today aswell. i still have some runners to plant out and 20 more plants on thier way from a TM seller. i think i may have gone a wee bit over board, but thats ok, the kids will eat them (provided i can find space for them all).

owl32, Jun 21, 5:14am
oh I have to plant my fejoia bush, and buy raspberry plant before its too late, some strawberries and garlic to plant tomorrow. might inspire me to get organised in the garden. my italian broccoli, red cabbage,and mixed plants and beetroot are all going well. We ate brussel sprouts the other night. they were so yummy! Much nicer than shop ones. My parsnips are piddley sized again, I think i need to build up my plots before main season with some goodies . the caroots look enemic lol

whiskey13, Jun 21, 4:17pm
Hello owl you and i have the same problem. Carrots. Twice I've tried, and twice I've failed, well not failed just not as successful as i'd have hoped. So I'll just keep trying. Thats half the fun in gardening i think.My yams were a success so delicious in a muffin

alma3, Jun 21, 11:48pm
Compost advice! Recently I acquired a couple of bags of fresh chicken manure. I??

drewboy, Jun 22, 3:32am
Slowly starting to resurrect my garden. got a good electric tape set up now so if any pesky cows come near it they are gonna get zapped into next week.Now DH is all inspired as well and he has decided that he is now going to extend the we now have an added bit at one end which is the kids/my herb garden (so far its just dirt LOL) and the other end I want to plant some citrus but not quite sure if its warm enough around the rotorua area!.any ideas peoples!.

juliewn, Jun 22, 10:11am
Hi Kiwigoldie. Congratulations on your win. hope you're enjoying your prize :-). Hi Alma. this will bump the thread so hopefully someone will be able to help that knows about composting.

juliewn, Jun 22, 10:14am
Hi Drew. I know exactly how you feel about your garden. years ago when we had a lifestyle block, I put a lot of work into starting a vege garden - I wanted to fence it off from the adjoining paddock with a timber fence - because the garden was set in between a curving fence and a packing shed, it needed a fence about 3m long on one side. No. he said an electric fence would be best, and I set that up. It was heartbreaking to come home and find the cattle had gone through the electric fence and had tramped through the garden, and nothing had survived. Like you. I cried. and. though I offered to do it, he promised that a timber fence would be put up, and with the cattle in another paddock, I started again, with him, in the meantime, putting up another electric fence - three rows of electric tape.

juliewn, Jun 22, 10:15am
The timber fence didn't happen, the garden was growing well - beans and tomatoes nearly ready, etc. and the cattle were put back into the paddock. And I came home again to the garden destroyed - and I gave up trying to have a garden there. Thankfully there's no chance of cattle breaking into my gardens here! Good on you for working to make your garden grow well. have fun growing your own goodies.

stevee6, Jun 22, 4:33pm
Drew - a nice way to start with the kids is to get them each a tyre. A paintjob in the colour of their choice(testpots in acrylic do the job nicely)plus a label made of scrapwood with their name on it, good soil piled into it and they're set. Things such as the little round carrots, alpine strawberries or even a plant each of the regular ones, edible flowers such as calendula, a spinach plant etc will keep them fascinated and if you arrange the tyres around a new fruit tree they'll also get the benefit of the dappled shade and fruit in late summer.

alma3, Jun 22, 7:38pm
Anyone have any answers to 420 !

alma3, Jun 22, 7:39pm
Anyone have any answers to 430 Sorry.430!

whiskey13, Jun 22, 8:43pm
Anyone got their copy of Homegrown Fruit Trees yet. Mine arrived today and i haven't put it down yet.

stevee6, Jun 22, 8:48pm
Me too - I can't decide what I want the most and how to afford it all. And I notice they're going to do a berry one this year too - wooohooo!

drewboy, Jun 22, 8:50pm
great idea steve.I like the idea of getting them to paint the tyres.can anyone answer about the fruit trees!.Did anyone see Lynda on Breakfast this morning!.I missed it damnit.

whiskey13, Jun 22, 9:14pm
I thought she is on sunrise on thursdays

elect70, Jun 22, 9:35pm
Lucky in Horowhenua That many market gardens here they almost give it away , say price dictated by supermarkets makes it hardly worth picking . eg lots just dump veges for pig food , or plough under . Roadside marts cheap & good .

jules., Jun 22, 11:03pm
oh, i wasnt quick enough off the mark to pre order one, so will get one from the book shop. the berry one sounds a great idea, i was wondering what they would come up with next.

stevee6, Jun 22, 11:03pm
I MET LYNDA. I got her autograph & heard her speak -nah nah ne nanah! She spoke at Waikanae Garden Club this afternoon & she's lovely, so funny and very open about her muckups and adventures in gardening. What did shock me is apparently she got and still gets emails from people being nasty about her Get Gardening stuff saying she's just doing it to sell more magazines(well duh!) but also doesn't know what she's doing etc! How mean is that! Bloody tall poppy toppers!

whiskey13, Jun 22, 11:19pm
Me too stevee Cant wait for the berry one. So that i know I'm doing the right thing for my strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, and rasberries

drewboy, Jun 23, 1:39am
whiskey.she is on sunrise but she was on breakfast today.promoting homegrown I think.Lucky you steve!.I bet it was a very interesting and inspirational talk.Im sure those idiots that send her nasty emails are just jealous!

stevee6, Jun 23, 2:17am
Drew, about your citrus, construct a frame you can drop over each citrus tree when frosts are due, and drape it with frostcloth. You don't want the fluctuations of temperatures which frosting & thawing causes, so leave the frame from the first frost until the last one. Planting them in an area sheltered by taller trees would be a good idea too.

drewboy, Jun 23, 3:14am
hi Steve. WE don't have any other larger trees around our house unless you count the pine trees at the end of the house paddock but we get wild pigs up this way and if its not cows it will be them I have to contend with.I have hubby getting me some metal warraths that I was going to thump into the ground and put a woolpack overtop each night.My main concern was whether or not we were in an area where they would eventually fruit

stevee6, Jun 23, 4:38am
Drew - well they can grow lemons in Christchurch and most citrus in Nelson so, although you're inland which makes your temperatures more extreme, I think you'll be fine. The only way to find out is give it a go, beginning with Meyer lemon which is the most hardy citrus.

stevee6, Jun 23, 4:33pm
Bump for today's new enthusiasts.

daleaway, Jun 23, 7:06pm
Sorry I never got to yesterday's garden club meeting Stevee; for some reason I thought it was today. Doh! It would be great if you could tell us all about it. And as soon as the sun comes out (later this week!) we need to go and buy some fruit trees, so maybe you and I can meet up at Harrison's - have you found your way there yet! Judy, are you reading this!