NZ Gardener Magazine Get Growing Campaign 2008

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stevee6, Jun 14, 10:17pm
Floralsun - hope your measures work. Aren't rats a pain! When we first moved here there were great big ones around - but since we got the cats we haven't seen any although they've not brought any dead bodies that size in - only fat mice!

stevee6, Jun 15, 8:18pm
Just bought the new Homegrown today! It's brilliant! Not as structured as the last but perfectly complementary with some fabulous ideas. TY ty Lynda - you're a peach!

katelin1, Jun 15, 9:48pm
new Home Grown Oh I can't wait to see it! I will have to pop down to the magazine store to see if they have it in yet! :)

purplegoanna, Jun 15, 10:41pm
floral sun they get into mine too and as with you they come from the dodgy neighbours next door, i put chicken mesh in the bottom of mine and about 5 inches up the sides, thats stopped them but im wondering for how long for.

mybooks, Jun 16, 3:42am
I just found this - a site for gardener's and growers books - and thought of this thread - the site is very tempting!

juliewn, Jun 16, 5:18am
Hi. you can buy the new book on the NZ Gardener website too - for anyone who has a magazine subscription with them, the new book costs $11.00.

whiskey13, Jun 16, 6:36pm
Yes Juliewn My partner has brought me a subscription of NZ Gardener for my birthday next month and he added the new Homegrown book to it as well. Now all i have to do is wait.(patience is not one of my strong points LOL)

marge_s, Jun 16, 7:27pm
Ordered my copy of the new Homegrown from their website on Friday.The ordering page give u a ph number to call if you can't remember your subscription no'.They just ask for your name and address.Now I just have to wait, which is the difficult bit.

stevee6, Jun 17, 4:28am
Bump for someone else interested.

juliewn, Jun 17, 11:16am
Hi Whiskey. isn't the magazine the prefect gift for those of us interested in gardening. :-) I bought myself a subscription to the magazine last month - I decided I deserved a mother's day pressy from me, in addition to those from my Kid's! Hi Marge. I found that too. I hadn't a clue as to what my customer number was, and searched everywhere in the email sent confirming my subscription - without success - then had to wait till after the weekend to phone them. they said it's on the plastic envelope that the magazines are sent out in. hope this helps.

juliewn, Jun 18, 9:33am
Hi Everyone. :-) How's your garden planning going Simplesean. not much here - the ground is still drying out after being heavily saturated with many days rain. thankfully the earth is almost dry now.

jules., Jun 18, 5:41pm
bump for the weekend.of more rain.

jules., Jun 18, 9:17pm
just looked at the weather forecast for the weekend, it looks pretty good, so hopefully the ground will continue to dry out for you julie. am planning to transplant the rhubarb tomorrow, so will dig some nice big holes and fill them with plenty of chook and rabbit poop to get it started. also, read on another thread about putting a pot plant filled with poop next to the plants so when it rains it drains out and feeds the plants, sounds a great idea, so am going to give it a go too.

whiskey13, Jun 19, 5:31am
Yip, I read that about the pot beside the rhubarb too jules. Let us know how it goes. I dont have the room to bury a pot beside my rhubarb. I am still picking off my plants i had stewed rhubarb with yoghurt on my weetbix this morning ,but couldn't taste anything cos i've got a cold :-(

juliewn, Jun 19, 6:37am
Hi Jules. thank goodness the drought has finished there. your garden will be appreciating the rain. just not too much of it all at once. these concentrated downpour's are so intense. and scary with the amount of water they produce.

I haven't done anything in my garden lately. have been building my woodshed between two other sheds. started it months ago, then the rest of the gardens, pergola, etc. took precedence - wanted them to look great for when my Son and his Partner were home. His comment - 'wow, this is awesome Mum!' :-)

This afternoon I put the corrugated roof on and the corrugated iron at the back - the sides are the two other sheds. next is to fit the cladding at the front - using weatherboards to match the house. then will make the door. Then the floor. the timber for that is cut ready to nail in place.

I designed the shed and have built it all myself. and I'm using some Kiwi Ingenuity - I've built it so the floor for the length of the shed, going away from the door, is split in half, with floor timber to come from the back to almost 1/2 way toward the front and crossing the full width of the shed.

From there, I'm having the floor timber in two pieces across the width of the shed, with the left hand side fixed to the floor joists.

The timber that goes across from just inside the door to just over 1/2 way down the length, won't be fastened down where it meets the floor timber on the left.

And on the right of the those pieces, which are 150mm wide, I'm fitting hinges, so that as I use the firewood nearest the door, I can lift the first piece of flooring up to the right side, so it hinges back against the wall.

As I use the firewood, each flooring timber piece will hinge back, until I get to the part where the timber crosses the full width of the shed. By that stage, I can reach right to the back of the shed - and I can easily reach to the left all the way along.

I've built the shed about 280mm off the ground, which means less bending over lifting heavy wood, and with the hinging back parts, the whole shed of firewood is accessed easily. Having it that height off the ground also means air can flow through underneath easily.

I'm really pleased with how it's going to work, the system with the hinges will make everything easily accessible. using some of that good ole Kiwi Ingenuity! :-)

Have a great weekend Everyone. :-)

juliewn, Jun 19, 9:02am
Bumping for vege gardeners. :-)

drewboy, Jun 19, 4:01pm
my poor veggies. since planting we have had a great frost and heavy fog for the past few days that they haven't had a chance to even see sunlight yet.hope they don't curl up their toes and die :(Have put a tarp over them to keep the frost off and I have some clear plastic arrive shortly so hopefully that will keep them a bit warmer.

stevee6, Jun 19, 4:58pm
Drew - with the clear plastic, do make sure there is plenty of airflow over your plants otherwise you'd going to experience the wonderful world of rot!

drewboy, Jun 19, 7:28pm
thanks steve.but at the moment im to busy crying to care :(.the blardy cows have broken thru the electric tap and have stomped their merry way across my garden.arrggghhh.they are gonna be hamburgers now!.shortly followed by darly hubby who was ment to put the blardy gate back that he stole to put somewhere else on the garden is more important!.

whiskey13, Jun 19, 7:36pm
drewboy my heart goes out to you. All i have to contend with is a dog, the little toerag loves running over my carrots, trying to get at next doors dog under the fence where my carrots are.I hope he grows out of it when i put my tomatoes and peas there later on when the weather warms up.

jules., Jun 19, 8:37pm
i think thats the worst part of having a cold whiskey! i hope you feel better soon. the rhubarb sounds great. mine have died off, although 1 has started to come away again. i just got some more plants from a trader off TM. hopefully they will make it thru the post and into the garden with no hassles! i was thinking about the large pot of poop, think i will try a few smaller ones in between the plants as i wont really have the room when i get the extra plants either.

drewboy, Jun 19, 8:46pm
whiskey.I wish that is all I had to contend with there is 100 cattle, 7 dogs, 1 horse, 1 cat and 2 overeager kids poor plants don't stand a chance :(

jules., Jun 20, 2:23am
well thats all very complex, but sounds like its going to make life easier for you in the long run :)
It makes you feel so great when you can do these 'blokey' things yourself without their in put!

Isnt it nice when the kids notice your hardwork.must look really great!

stevee6, Jun 21, 12:16am
Keeping this up near the top for the new enthusiasts.

kiwigoldie, Jun 21, 12:57am
yum yum. .just got my bar of chocolate from the recent promotion on the email.what do you crave to grow - for me citrus as I have tried for years unsuccessfully.nice to know i can win something! :)