Butternut Pumpkins/Squash

lyndunc, Mar 15, 1:22pm
I have grown (and am still growing) a whole lot of these. I have picked and used 3 so far, 2 of them seemed more like squash than pumpkin, but the other was lovely and pumpkiny. I googled butternut pumpkin and it seemed to imply they were one and the same but I don't remember them like that when buying from the supermarket.
Does it have something to do with how long you leave them after picking, or is it just hit and miss?
Thank you in advance for any help.

cantabman1, Mar 16, 11:18am
For the best flavor ,all pumpkins should be left on the vine until after a frost, or picked and put in the fridge for 3 days before storage. This helps convert all the plants sugars to give that really sweet taste.

sharmon, Mar 19, 8:13am
Buttercup squash the best of all, butternut I find rather bland. Unfortunately we only get the rejected export squash at the supermarket, the small and miss shapen ones, the small ones mostly are tasteless

lyndunc, Mar 19, 2:28pm
Still not sure what the difference is, here is a sample of what I grew:
I accidently broke the vine they were on, so bought them inside.

cgvl, Mar 19, 2:32pm
They are butternut and really nice.
Buttercup are the green ones which tend to have really dry flesh which make great pumpkin soup and roasting. The grey ones I don't particularly like.
Butternut I sometimes make a nice rice stuffing and stuff them and bake.

lyndunc, Dec 7, 5:00pm
Thank you cgvl, I thought they were, just a bit hit and miss in the flavouring department.