So we got two quotes from a plumber to do some work on our bathroom. One was $770 and one was $2,400. Seems very odd! Any plumbers out there who could shed some light on which one is more realistic! They both seem like reputable guys but I don't want to get ripped off (and equally don't want to go with the cheaper one and have him say later that it's going to actually cost more). The quotes cover installing new sink and taps, replacing bath taps, installing new toilet and new shower head. All being installed into existing places, i.e. no moving around of pipes. Costs are for labour only. Thanks in advance.
Dec 9, 7:13pm
Did the quotes give you an idea on the hours it would take and the rate for those hours!
Dec 9, 7:18pm
Only as part of a broader timeframe for the whole job (i.e. including all the other tradies) so hard to break down exactly how many hours for the plumber part.
Dec 9, 8:04pm
If you have the quote in writing saying what it is for,why are you worrying!they can't say it's going to cost more if only the agreed to work is done.if they both have a good name go with the cheaper one,some times at this time of the year if a tradesman is busy he will just throw a high price at it cos he won't be worried if he doesn't get it.go with the cheaper price,sounds about right for that work,a day and a bits work.
Dec 9, 8:18pm
Thanks for the reply, I'm not so much worried, more interested to know which of the two sounds more like the norm. Cheers
Dec 9, 8:54pm
get a third quote. that should help.
Dec 9, 9:43pm
If ,lets say $100. /hour, cheap quote = 7-8 hours labour, the dear quote =24 hours labour, I reckon the cheaper guy knows he can do it in 8 hours.
Dec 9, 9:56pm
I can't comment without seeing them. What parts are they using, how much is parts and how much labour! What's involved, do they specify, need to replace walls, carpentry type stuff as well, or straight replacements!'s more complicated than just some taps. And, are the new mixers compatible with your hot water system!
Dec 9, 9:58pm
As per original post, this cost is just for labour. They don't need to do nay carpentry it's just straight replacement of fittings. New mixers are compatible - it's a simple job which I thought would have taken maybe a day and a half.
Dec 9, 11:12pm
Do they need to come twice! Once for the removal/capping off and returning once painting is complete! IS the expensive quote allowing for the replacement of pipes because you have really bad pipes eg Dux Quest. Lots of variables. Does the expensive guy think he supplying the tapware
Dec 9, 11:31pm
Get a third quote, or look closely at what's included in the quote and what isn't. One thing that could be a proverbial can of worms is possibly the new toilet.It might take 30 minutes, and it might easily take a hell of a lot longer - especially if you've chosen a new design toilet to replace something 30 years old etc. The rest - if it is simply replacing tap/shower fittings - should be easy-peasy.But if it's replacing a shower mixer behind a tile wall, then that could also be a can of worms.
Dec 10, 1:06am
#11, shower head.
$770 is too honest, doesn??
Dec 10, 2:09am
$770 = Not busy and needs some work $2,400 = Really busy and doesnt care if he gets it, but if he does, its well worth it.
Dec 10, 5:24am
^^^ this one
Dec 10, 8:59am
I looks like one is charging for all the units and hardware, and the other just for the labour and installation. Have you got all the units, fittings and hardware, and just need someone to install it all for you!Sounds right for the cheaper one.If the dearer one knows you have all the pieces, run for the hills, cause he is ripping you right off.
Dec 10, 2:08pm
Its pretty obvious - you really need another quote .or even 2.
Dec 11, 1:44am
Are you supplying every last fitting, piece of pipe, fixing screws, pipe glue ect that is required. Or are you just supplying the tapware and bathroomware!
Dec 11, 3:02am
Do you honestly think that those few items would push up the cost to $2400 for the work stated; How long do you say it would take to do the 'quoted' work, a day, day and half !
Dec 11, 3:08am
Yes. We got all new plumbing in our house for $4800, including 2 taps and laundary sink. Was the bigger quote from a big name firm!
Dec 12, 9:41am
If you go with the cheaper one and it work out good, put his name on here and he will get loads of work. When we got our kitchen done we went with the (lots) cheaper one and it worked out great. Now our regular plumber.
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