Hot Water Cylinder - plumber or electrician?

acesell, Jan 20, 6:03am
Thanks for the answers guys

ryanm2, Jan 20, 6:33am
I dont know any plumbers with their limited license these days. I think its more hassle than its worth. There are also quite a few different thermostats about these days and some are hard to work on or find replacement parts.

trade4us2, Jan 20, 7:19am
I have two thermostats that I have tested in a pot on the stove with an accurate thermometer and a meter. Both of them are out of adjustment so that the reading on the thermostat is wrong. Read the temperature at the tap and adjust to reach 55°C at the tap,

acesell, Jan 14, 1:14am

I think my hot water cylinder is set too hot (or possibly malfunctioning) as the water comes out extremely hot, and our power bills have been quite big (new house we've lived in since August so no 'normal' bills to compare to unfortunately).

Do I need an electrician or a plumber?

vivac, Jan 14, 5:00am
Either can adjust the temp for you.
Plumber will be more up to speed on Ajax valves and if they need work.

ianab, Jan 15, 1:15am
Faulty thermostat is usually an electrican job.

Plumber can usually adjust it, but shouldnt be replacing it as that involves electrical wiring.

vivac, Jan 15, 8:13am
Some if not most plumbers should have a limited license, which means they can do elements and thermostats.

fewspot, Mar 26, 5:49am
take the front cover off the element houseing and see what the temp is set at

Check your hot water temperature. It should be 60°C at the cylinder (to prevent the growth of Legionella bacteria) and no more than 55°C at the tap (so you don't get burnt).