Broke drill press, can this be fixed?

sooby, Jan 18, 6:23pm
Howdy folks,

Had a mishap and ended up breaking drillpress neck. Looks to be cast alloy, anyone know how to fix this, or is it scrap?

Here is a photo:

Cheers in advance!

russ18, Jan 18, 6:37pm
Looks like an opportunity to get a decent drill press to me.

russell.s.c, Jan 18, 8:32pm
Looks like a Hitachi model to me and I doubt you'll will get a satisfactory mend but, nothing ventured nothing gained and nothing to lose. So' wait a bit then maybe try what looks best to you although #2 probably has hit the mark.

mrfxit, Jan 18, 8:59pm
Tig welder

Easy peasy & strong enough

sooby, Jan 18, 9:08pm
Yup, a Hitachi unit alright - probably a museum piece now, but it was handed down by my old man so I'm kinda attached to it.

Thanks everyone for your advice!

russell.s.c, Jan 18, 9:21pm
Good press for what they are but the metal seems to be a bit cheap for Hitachi of the times. My drill and press (both still fully functional) are forty two years old.

How did you come to break it as the break looks to be fresh.

sooby, Jan 18, 9:47pm
The workpiece broke away from clamps holding it down & smacked into the drillpress breaking it

russell.s.c, Jan 18, 10:17pm
Well, it can't get anymore broke so may as well have a go at fixing and I hope it works for you.

newtec1, Mar 25, 8:45pm
Yes they can be welded. If you were up in Auckland i could point you in the right direction.