Instant plant screen for 1m high paddock fence

happyrats, Oct 23, 7:57am
Hi there

We're having a 'do' at our place in late November and want to screen a road-frontage paddock fence. It's about a metre high and currently we're thinking hedging - does anyone know of a supplier of bulk 'cheapish' 1 metre high hedging-type plants in the Auckland/Rodney/Northland area?

Some of you might have some good ideas for using other types of plants - for this occasion we'd be happy to plonk in some type of climber or similar that would flower in late November and is happy in very dry conditions (we can't easily get water down to the front fence area).

Suggestions would be greatly appreciated :-)

moltenfire, Oct 23, 11:47am
Isn't gorse a noxious weed that the councils make you pull out for fear of a term in prison?

nonumbers, Oct 23, 5:30pm
What about brushwood fencing and then decorate it with, I dunno, fairy lights, swags of branches, ponga leaf?

lythande1, Oct 23, 6:08pm
I don't think putting in a fast growing weed just for privacy for an event is a good idea.
nonumbers suggestion perhaps or some similar screening?

carter19, Oct 23, 6:15pm
Kauri Park nursery in Kaiwaka is having a sale this weekend. open, Fri, Mon. Loads of plants at $2' $5,$10. They are wholesalers and not usually open to public.

happyrats, Oct 24, 9:10am
Thanks all. Hmmm - gorse and blackberry are certainly quick to grow and colourful, however a little difficult to weed around :-D
Love the decorated brushwood screen idea. We'll head off to Kauri Nurseries (thanks carter19) over the weekend and if we can't find anything we'll go with the brushwood screen. We could even hang a few plant pots/vertical gardens from the brushwood and pretty it up with colour.
Thanks again all. Much appreciated!

pettal, Oct 24, 5:24pm
one metre is not going to offer much privacy .

fantail8, Aug 22, 12:19am
They aren't wanting privacy , just want to screen a fence in a paddock ie hide the fence abit