Mini water lilies.

oh_hunnihunni, Apr 26, 8:01pm
I'm intrigued! Is anyone growing them here, and better - supplying tubers?

mkbooks, Apr 26, 9:13pm
Can they be grown in a tub please?

iluvmuse, Apr 26, 10:58pm
google pond in a pot

koru67, Apr 26, 11:38pm
What do you classify as "mini", I just googled and most of them look fake. Are they a genuine item?.
I have pygmy water lilies ("Nymphaea Pygmaea Helvola, Extremely free flowering. Canary-yellow. The world??

koru67, Apr 27, 12:00am
I presume maybe you are talking about this extremely rare, just saved from extinction plant .

Sounds like it will be a long time before there are enough in cultivation to allow sale to the public.

koru67, Jan 23, 7:00pm
The pygmy waterlily I have can be grown in a tub, plus I have a "mini" waterlily which is also small enough.

Some mini and pygmy varieties for sale here .