Am thinking of getting a water tank in town suburb
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Aug 23, 12:28am
In Australia it's very common with water restrictions so perhaps find a DIY website or a message board based there for more experienced replies. Even au might have advice.
Aug 23, 5:17pm
IBC's work alright, but they do degrade with age (sunlight?) and end up splitting. at least they are cheap enough to replace.
Aug 23, 6:44pm
your water charges are made up of both delivery and removal cost, delivery goes to the supply outfit, removal goes to sewer and stromwater funding
if you put a water tank in and it can flow to waste pipes, either sewer via toilet or stromwater vai overflow from tank, they have you by the curlies and will charge accordingly
putting a tank in for sole garden use is a no brainer. less through the meter, less charges - but they may take some convincing it is not able to exit the section via the normal charged for channels - sewer or stormwater
Aug 23, 9:10pm
Why not? It's carefully labelled "non-potable water" at the taps. council consent was easy peasy. I use the rinsing water and some of the washing water on the garden in Summer, too. In Winter yes, the tank fill and overflows into the stormwater just as it should (which is where all the roof water went before anyway). And as a single living alone, my toilets, which are modern low water use, and shower don't use much water. Like I said, my monthly metered bill is $19 - $22. I call that good.
Aug 23, 9:38pm
Watercare is owned by Council. I didn't say I did apply, I'm telling you the facts. They count 78% of your water use as waste water - ok? Regardless if it goes on the garden, car, down the sink. They say this is fair, only being 78%. You get a tank, thats what they charge you. Of course you could not mention it and take your chances.
Aug 24, 1:28am
And that's fine by me: my laundry water goes down the waste water system to go to the treatment plant, so it's only fair I pay for it. With metered water intake, what's nice is that I don't pay for water I don't get! goodoh!
Aug 24, 3:06am
Tell the council that the tank is a garden ornament.
Aug 24, 4:32am
I understand watercare is owned by council. But storm water system is managed directly by council and not watercare. Again totaly irrelevant as OP is not in Auckland.
The bulk of NZ do NOT plumb the storm water over flow into the wastewater system which is also called the sewer. There is a second set of pipes in the street to collect stormwater only. Stormwater is water from your roof, stormwater from your section (unless you have a sump or soak pit etc) rain and water in the gutters in the road, they go direct to streams &/or sea and is not treated like wastewater is normally because it is JUST rainwater run off.
All the waste pipes and drains inside your house go to wastewater, your downpipes should not be connected to that system at all unless their is no stormwater.
OP has a wastewater connection, they are not applying for a new connection so they will already be paying for waste.
Aug 24, 6:23am
But if the OP collects water from the roof, makes it dirty in the washing machine then puts it into the sewer where it belongs, then Metrowater will not be able to measure that water and charge for it. So they will be very displeased, and if they find the connection to their sewer they may assume that the OP has been avoiding charges for many years and may send a huge bill.
Oct 19, 4:14am
Because A) op isn't in Auckland! B) op hasn't expressed any intention of using the stored water for anything except gardening so its its not entering wastewater.
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