What names of plants

thea4, Nov 1, 12:23am
whose flowers are not bee friendly, yes I know but a young child is allergic to bees but something is needed to look attractive near back steps
I have suggested rainbow silver beet but other suggestions welcome.

ruby2shoes, Nov 1, 12:51am
gosh, not sure, but I beelieve (lol) bees prefer blue flowers. Maybe succulents?

tweake, Nov 1, 1:01am
all flowers will be visited by bees at some point.
bee friendly is about the pollen being nutritious for the bees rather than being attractive.

if you don't want bees by the door, plant something that doesn't flower.

ladyluck110, Nov 1, 1:01am
Plastic plants .?

thea4, Nov 1, 2:49am
giggle giggle

rainrain1, Aug 13, 7:50pm
A bit of information here which might help
