sweetest ones to grow? I'm in Christchurch and will be growing them in a half wine barrel and buying the plants from the garden centre. TIA
Nov 24, 8:43pm
I'm growing a few 'Albion' this year. Heard they were lovely and at this stage they are way ahead of my others (unknown variety). They've got a good crop on them and colouring up nicely. I grow mine in long troughs screwed onto fence where they get all day sun.
Nov 25, 12:01am
Up here in Palmy I have planted pajaro. they took off really well and I have been picking a few already in the last couple of weeks. they seem to be a good size and tasty. I also have some camarosa plants growing from suckers I planted. they are looking healthy too but fruit seems smaller and plants are not as advanced. and I bought my plants at around $1.45 each at Bunnings. the Tui powdery type food is what I feed mine and they love it. Ps mine are planted in a well composted potting mix in a long wooden planter box
Nov 25, 12:07am
Bit late to be considering planting for a crop this year but plant anyway with a view to a great crop next year.
Nov 25, 1:35am
Thanks all - I went down to Mitre 10 and they had Albion as single plants and some others (What are these please? I don't know! Thank you for your help!) in planters - 5 in a planter for $12.99 - and that was the choice. So we got a couple of planter ones and 3 Albion to try for taste. I'm putting them in 1/2 wine barrels because the garden isn't ready to plant a bed or raised bed in yet after the earthquakes decimated our place. By next year though we should be set up and ready to GROW! Now if only the norwester would drop .
Nov 25, 1:37am
Feed, feed, feed and water, water, water. Enjoy!
Nov 25, 12:38pm
Agree, agree agree, adding a little dolomite lime and Seasol extract. They will then grow into Triffids.:-] which you can divide at the end of the season.
Nov 25, 3:20pm
Be careful make sure there is good run-off otherwise they will rot
Nov 25, 7:54pm
I only have about a doz plants and instead of straw, I have been putting toilet paper rolls under the strawberries to keep them off the dirt.
Nov 26, 3:17am
I found aphids on my strawbs :-( Not on my nearly ripe Albions thank goodness, but my older plants. Right at the base of the fruit. Dealt to them with a brew of milk & olive oil so hope that does the trick.
Good to hear you were able to get some this late in the season, mizp :-)
Jul 20, 2:47am
Pine needles under the strawberries work too
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