Pumpkins. Is it to late to plant pumpkin seedsouth canterbury

midnight42, Oct 21, 2:57am
Is it to late to plant pumpkin seed!(South Canterbury)

harrislucinda, Oct 21, 3:29am

helianthus, Oct 21, 3:30am
Still too early here in the Wairarapa!

trade4us2, Oct 21, 6:25am
I planted about 40 seeds a few weeks ago. The rats dug them up and ate them all. I shall put the seed tray inside a rat trap cage tomorrow with some more seeds.

lodgelocum, Oct 21, 6:42am
Just planted three pumpkin plants two weeks ago, they weren't very big but are growing well now, hopefully they survive and we will have a good harvest next year.

littlemissy1, Oct 22, 4:50pm
Ive got my Jack-be-little's growing nicely in pots outside here in the Hutt, waiting for some warm weather so they really get going. Cant wait to stuff and bake those, yum! Threw some Crown seeds randomly out the back so hopefully something will grow out of them.