3rd row nearly finished started gluing 4th row while i finish it.i think i may build a house the same way.looks rather snug in there.
Nov 3, 8:27pm
allways use, fire bricks dont use red chimmney bricks as the heat is to intense and they will slowly fall apart, use proper fire bricks, also use refractory cement as this is designed for heat, normal cement will crumble over time . use vermiculite for insulation and mix this with cement powder and add a little water then feed the product into panty hose so you have a sausage like product and wrap it around your bricks, another good idea is to get a swiss ball as amould and remember to have the valve at the front so you can deflate the ball when cement has set
Nov 3, 8:49pm
See the thing i posted on your facebook wall! get a super even finish that method. The thing is, as you are using standard bricks with refrac mortar they are not designed to work with each other. With a firebrick, it will suck the moisture out of the mortar and be ready for the next layer in 15-30min, same with normal bricks and normal mortar. You should build a form for the inside to make it so you can rest the bricks against and just burn it out.
Nov 3, 8:53pm
Have you built one paul! You seem pretty on the ball. i use vermiculite concrete for the base of my ovens but crematic blanket for the dome insulation, Have a look at the pic in my auction.
Have you got a pic of your oven paul!
Nov 3, 9:00pm
sadly cant afford to use real firebricks for the dome, have come across and talked to enough people online who have done what im doing, everything else is as per stuff ive read, ie filling the holes with chips & crushed firebricks mixed with cement, then the next layer will be tinfoil, ceramic fibre, wire and vermiculite.the stuff im using is refractory cement!! i dont believe i didnt say i was using it! just cant be bothered typing out the word refractory everytime.so i just say glue or cement
Nov 3, 9:02pm
as per instructions from the man who sold it to me and imports it, quote: touch dry in 3-6hrs and set in 12hrs.
Nov 3, 11:00pm
This indicated you were using refractory mortar. what mix are you using!
Nov 4, 2:17am
cookson tuffset i spose it is mortar I tend to think of it more as a glue.or grout even, definately dosnt look like a cement based mortar to me IMHO
Nov 4, 2:24am
yep i have built a few and the bricks are easy to come by, i got a pallet from auckland for $1.20 each and there factory seconds, just a diff colour, my base is a 100 mm concrete slab with another layer of fire bricks and then pizza tiles on top of that so the base is 225mm thick,made my dome up until it wanted to fall in on itself then pumped up the mrs swiss ball and covered it with wet sand until i got a desired shape and then covered in glad wrap,this gave me the support for my bricks on the top, once this was dryi then covered it all in refractory cement and chicken mesh, once this was dry i layered my blanket over the top and then my vermiculite and then more cement/sand and then lime render, the outer dome is probaly 300mm thick and its the mass the heats and does the cooking, i also had a small fire once the dome was done to draw the moisture out ,this was done between layers or else you get a buld up of moisture, when its fired up it is near pure white inside and ready for the pizzas, after a few hours and a few wines in goes the bread and then when we have finished i shut the door, next day before work i put a casserole in and come home time its all ready, i can do this for 3-4 days, i have no flu and the front gets a little black but i dont care, yes i will post a picutre also heres a good site, forno bravo,,, check it out
Nov 4, 1:57pm
i want to mosaic mine but cant come down to one design idea, ive got a taurus ring saw so can cut tiles to any designs i can imagine but that in itself makes it more confusing.
Nov 8, 1:42am
Yep that stuff is a refractory mortar, most likely will outlast your red bricks : )
Nov 8, 1:50am
Im a stone mason so i dont like mosaics hahahaha. Natural stone any day of the week here : )
Yea, i defiantly think you should put a flue on your next one. you should build it square. i like that look a lot more than the pizza oven shape.
Nov 8, 5:58pm
yea everyone builds the traditional style as the shape is how a oven should be made but i will add more mass to this oven and may finish with a odd shape in the end , i want to add to the oven and build some sides on it so it swoops around and fit my gas barbeque and a serving bench and i want to make a fire pit awell so we can sit round the pit and get drunk and eat pizza and talk lies all night,hahaha
Nov 8, 7:01pm
If you look at mine im building a BBQ next to it. http://www.instructables.com/id/Basic-installation-Instructions-for-DIY-wood-fired/ I personally am not a fan of gas BBQ's. may as well just use my gas oven, just do not get the flavor. I have done 2 of my first curing fires and at night the flames in the oven light the area quite nicely, great ambiance. Im also putting recessed RGB LED up and down lights on the shelf that will come out for the next level for lighting the oven bench and for cool ascetics. I think with the lights on red will look awesome on the stonework.
Hey a cool idea for your bench, cast it with glasscrete. just smash glass bottles and use it as your aggregate, use white cement and get a colored oxide. i think purple oxide with green Heineken bottles would be pretty epic finish. Then you polish it back with a diamond pad on your grinder to expose the class. use a 4-1 mix. do some testers first with your oxide to see how much you need to get a strong colour, with oxides in the mixer it looks dark but gets way lighter when its cured. http://www.concreteideas.com/recycled-glass-in-concrete
Nov 8, 7:08pm
That's pretty cool! I like how they have used shells to stamp the render. that's a great idea!
Nov 8, 11:45pm
howgoodisit,,, cool site and love the oven will look great when finished,yea i hear what you are saying about the glass, great idea,,,
Nov 9, 2:58pm
5th chain.slow progress between work, gardening, aviary birds and our so called summer weather! have made a huge plastic box that covers it to keep the wet weather off.
Nov 18, 1:38am
upto 6th chain and chimney.would help if the weather wasnt blowing a howling gale keep thinking its going to rain so have to lift the plastic/wood cover on & off.im sure the wind will catch it and parachute me away!.am going to attempt to bribe hubby to see if he can forkhoist it into the shed so i can finish over the weekend., had someone do a delivery who had a squizz and they mentioned that i may have really old huntly fire bircks.he reckons they look familiar & the age of mine + how theyre handmade sorta fits in.be nice if they were.
Nov 22, 3:09pm
Yea they say door opening should be 63% of internal height. whoever worked this out must be a genius.
Nov 26, 1:12am
nice youve just given me inspiration, those handles should stay nice and cool.whats the black bit!
Nov 26, 5:28am
i was going to cut 2 ceramic tiles to size then glue them together with concrete glue then stick them again to a outta timber door.dunno if itll work though.cant see any major issues apart from testing how hot it gets.
Nov 26, 3:53pm
OMG the wind has finaly gone, if i can whip thru the housework and feed all the animals i can finish off the last 2 chains and it'll be finally enclosed. might have to enlist the heater setup on the inside to make the goo dry quicker.
Nov 26, 6:06pm
yea i had a cheap fan heater from the warehouse going inside mine for a week and it helped heaps, then i started with a few bits of paper each day and let these burn and then a few small bits of wood and so on and so on, if you have a great big fire to start with then the expansion and contraction causes to many cracks and it becomes a real hassle to fix, another idea is to have small fires in between layers and this sets the morter so your ready for the next layer.
Nov 27, 1:53pm
yip i see on forum bravo they recommend small fires between each layer, mines been kept under a rough plastic covered box canopy during the whole build so moisture content should be minimal compared to most as its like a mini glasshouse in there when the suns out. ive got 1 1/2 chains left to go.and my chimney transition turned out to be a breeze compared to the headache i thought id have.phew.
Nov 29, 10:01pm
crappola got to the last chain stage and left the blimin lid of the gunk last nite, just scrapped of the top hardened layer and now have just enough fresh stuff to finish it I HOPE! lol.luckily i can get a small tub from bunnings of the cemix brand if i need a squiz more.
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