I know that there is one a very well grown and dear I say that is very large.
Who or where am I best to be asking about removing this good old girl that would be a good 5 meters or more tall and maybe 2 meters or so wide.
Is there any demand for these Palms anymore?
Jun 10, 4:05am
Talk to your local tree doctor, there's companies that will dig these up and replant them, perhaps they'll be interested in buying it off you or perhaps removing it for free.
Jun 10, 4:23am
Hiya, thanks for that information, the big problem is that it is here in Taumarunui.
Any tree doc's you can advise me to use?
Jun 10, 4:51am
In Taumaranui, I wouldn't have a clue. You could try Treescape, I know they have a big treespade, Other than that, I'm afraid I can't help
Jun 10, 5:03am
We have an annoying one on the north shore- Greenhithe. Thinking of getting it removed as worried its roots will damage our pool. It is biggish, but not that fat probably 700 mm diameter. Dangerous with kids running round near it. Anyone you can recommend Henderson guy? Or can you just saw off all the fronds?
Jun 10, 3:19pm
Michael Walsh,I am not sure where he lives now,but his mother is on Taupo Rd. You cant miss him,a very tall hairy guy with a huge laugh!
Jun 10, 4:08pm
I would imagine there would be much demand for Phoenixs
Jun 10, 5:16pm
If you look on expired listings it would seem that the larger the tree, the less likely they are to sell. Even with a $1 reserve they don't sell. I can remember a time when mature palms were airlifted into Remuera gardens. I gave a potted Phoenix Palm away because I was scared of the spikes. People have been known to die from the infections caused by those spikes. Nasty things.
Jun 10, 9:12pm
That should have been wouldn't oops
Jun 10, 11:03pm
I think Phoenix palms have had their day and you would be lucky to sell it or get it removed for transplanting. Due, I guess, to the considerable size they grow to and the difficulty and cost of cutting them down, not to mention the nasty spikes and the dirty filthy stuff stuck up in among the fronds. But, good luck any way. Removal would be cheaper/easier now than in a few years.
Jun 12, 5:49am
Jee's that's one big tree. Beginning of this year I tried to give mine away, two phoenix's and two windmills oh and two yukkas. No takers. They're fairly established but not too big yet. I've since, with some help, dug up one of the windmills and its trunk. The others I'm carefully pruning toward the center and those lethal needles until they can be pulled out too or the trunks covered over with dirt because that windmill resisted for all it was worth.
Jun 13, 3:50am
It is illegal to sell Phoenix palms in auckland or north,it is on the plant accord for banned plants now.Trade Me doesnt seem to care however and you can still buy them
Jun 15, 2:10am
Do you reckon if we saw off all the fronds it will die? Might be able to turn it into a table in our pool area. Really worried about spreading roots, and getting a digger so close to our pool and deck.
Jun 15, 2:17am
No I do not believe it will die, but, if you paint the fresh cut stump with Vigilant, Tordon or woody weedkiller that should do the job. It will be a very hard job to dig out and remove roots. In time. ? they will rot and then you coud perhaps re assess the possibilities.
Jun 15, 4:04am
The trees are worthless and definitely not suitable for the home garden.
Best policy is get rid of the Phoenix canariensis Date Palm as soon as possible as they grow massive. Note, not to be confused with the smaller phoenix roebelenii pygmy palm which is good.
Jun 16, 7:53pm
I understood if you cut the centre out of a palm tree, it dies. Check with a garden centre, they'd know!
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