Is this a grape vine?

pten, Mar 1, 10:08pm
I have a strange vine thats growing in my strawberry patch which i had emptied my compost bin into at the start of the season. Looks like a grape vine to me, can anyone confirm?

spiritofgonzo, Mar 1, 10:45pm
Nope . But don't ask me what it is though

nonumbers, Mar 1, 10:48pm
Quite possibly - give another year or so and see what develops . . .

maclad, Mar 1, 10:55pm
I would say it is a grape, looks just like all the seedlings under my grape

morticia, Mar 1, 10:55pm
Our self sown ones look like that.

pten, Mar 1, 11:55pm
I may transplant it to somewhere and see what it does. Amazing with what pops up from compost, I have let pumpkins, tomatoes, potatoes continue to grow with great success

harrislucinda, Mar 2, 1:11am
yes looks grape to me leave a bit longer before transplanting

venna2, Mar 2, 1:18am
Looks a bit like strawberry in the lower left corner.

crunchie3, Mar 2, 1:37am

lythande1, Mar 2, 12:41pm
It sure is.
I removed one a year ago. It went through the chipper on the mower and into the compost. The compost got used in a planter I have sag in. It has since grown 4 grape vines from it. pretty hard to kill!
One of them I gave to a friend, she planted it and then it's leaves fell off and she said it had died.
I told her to keep watering it and wait.
Sure enough new leaves appeared after a while.

pten, Mar 2, 11:11pm
Thats because its growing in the strawberry patch venna2 :P

venna2, Mar 3, 12:02am
Oh yes, sorry! I didn't read your first post properly.

breness, Mar 3, 1:20am
I think it's a baby grapevine. Nurture it and see what happens. Looks the same as the ones I have.

picker56, Mar 3, 2:59am
Looks like one of those ''castor oil'' weedy trees from here. Birds drop the seeds everywhere here and they sprout up all over the place

junie2, May 11, 5:29am
I agree - a grape vine.