What's my grape got please

stevee6, Jan 16, 9:48pm
Unless someone more expert in plant diseases can identify what's on your grape, you can send samples for testing to this site.


wisconsin, Jan 16, 10:42pm
Thanks, might be handy to know :)

floweringrose, Jan 16, 10:51pm
where's Les-he's great with grapes

gabbysnana, Jan 16, 11:19pm
round up damage.

surfinjonny, Jan 16, 11:35pm
It is erinose mite damage, spray with sulphur every 7-14 days for a while.

les6, Jan 17, 12:34am
what he said,only cosmetic at the end of the day,pluck the worst ones off and put them in the rubbish,give it heaps with the sulphur as advised.

wisconsin, Jan 25, 11:10am
Thanks everyone.Already plucked off most the the larger affected leaves.Will get onto a spray program along with the tomatoes for mildew