It looks like some kind of insect infestation, or maybe an insectide.try google on gravevine care and diseases, of a back issue if NZ gardener at the Library.Another idea is to take a sample into your local garden centre. good luck and keep us posted.
Nov 18, 5:06am
This looks like a combination of Downy mildew and a bit of spring frost damage. Spray Copper for fungual control and burn or dump fallen infected foliage (don't compost). Nothing you can do about the frost damage, new growth will replace the older marked foliage. Just ensure you spray with copper to also prevent new foliage contracting the fungual disease which is more prevalent in colder wet springs. Cheers!
Nov 18, 9:57pm
it is erinose mite,sulphur sprays at close intervals(7-10days) will fix it,largley cosmetic although you do have a good dose of it!
Nov 19, 12:33am
Thanks so much, I was thinking I might have to confess to my parents that I killed their grapevine. Will go and buy some stuff tomorrow and head to their place to spray it.
Nov 19, 12:38pm
Killed! They recover.mine had herbicide damage last year. Husband sprayed near it. It had deformed leaves, wasn't growing much etc. This year it's fine, growing like a weed.
Nov 21, 3:55am
Take an infected leaf to the nearest garden centre + get their advice
Nov 24, 4:24am
but take it in a sealable plastic bag. that way they can look at it & if it is a mite - it mite not escape :-)
Nov 25, 8:41pm
les6 is right it is erinose
Nov 21, 4:44pm
first treatment done, will go back next weekend and spray again. thanks for all the advise.
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