Aunt Ruby's German Green Tomato

eljayv, Nov 27, 8:38pm
Has anyone grown these!Are they worth growing!I have a couple of large seedlings and wonder if they are worth the precious little space left in the garden.

stevee6, Nov 27, 11:06pm
We liked them - nice flavour and size. With not much space, I'd grow one and give one away.

gyrogearloose, Nov 28, 5:07am
The green colour makes the birds think they aren't ripe, so they don't peck them. Black Krims are the same.

eljayv, Nov 28, 9:03am
Okay that sounds good.I gave a couple each to two neighbours too so we can all see how they go.

krames, Nov 25, 1:02am
taste was over hit wonder