Plants to repell insects

love.a.bargain, Nov 26, 6:02pm
What plants please are good to repell insects in a vege garden!Thank you.

flopsie, Nov 26, 6:44pm
I often have Basil in the glass house. Probably just an old wives tale.

nitpnz, Nov 26, 6:56pm
Many years ago I noticed that a row of brussells sprouts I had interplanted with onions were free of aphids while another row planted alone was infestated with them

Ever since then I like to grow onion or chives or garlic in close proximity to plants that are susceptible to aphid attack, it seems to work.I think that there may be something in the root or smell that discourages aphids.

cantabman1, Nov 26, 7:33pm
Garlic, Marrigolds, Onions and chives all appear to ward off insects in the garden. Some of the African marrigolds with a higher pyrithrem content work better, your local garden shop will help you.
There are no doubt other plants as well which others may advise on here.

texastwo, Nov 26, 7:36pm
What would you companion sow with Strawberries to achieve the same result.ward off bugs etc.!

thistle4, Nov 27, 1:52am
There are lots of lists of Companion Plants on Google.

thistle4, Nov 22, 7:10pm
I plant a lot of Blue Borage in my garden. Bees love it , it self sows and it's a good companion plant