Bugs in my cabbages etc

chic_style, Jan 18, 5:49am
Cool thanks for all the responses!

chic_style, Jan 16, 7:46am
I have planted out my verge garden, and cabbages, broccoli and cauli are almost ready to pick, but especially the cabbages have been attacked by I dunno what, they are all holey and manky looking! What can I do to sort this, I don't want to spray if I don't have to, any suggestions on what I can do? Thanks

comadi, Jan 16, 8:55am
White butterfly would be suspect number one.

happychappy50, Jan 16, 9:08am
Get some frost cloth,not expensive,water can get through but the White butterflies can't . Cause of your bugs I suspect,I used it lady yr for the 1st time over my broccoli,no more sprays either,looks a bit ugly yet I am not worried now.

ceebee2, Jan 16, 6:04pm
Pour your used dishwater over them as well helps keep white butterfly caterpillars away. They don"t like the dish wash liquid.

cantabman1, Jan 16, 6:11pm
Whats all this anti spray rubbish? If you have bugs, then just use a slightly diluted general bug spray and wait 14 days before consuming. I do it all the time and i haven't died yet [63] after a day or so, i hose off all the bugs and residue. With broccoli i don't worry about the leaves, but try and keep the head clean and tidy.

treesure, Jan 17, 7:47am
mine are the same and I think earwigs could be the culprit?!

stellabellatm, Mar 29, 7:46am
You can use corn flour instead of derris dust, works a treat.