McGregor's Bye bye bugs

junipergirl, Jan 18, 2:47am
Anyone tried this!and if yes did you use a full body protective suit to apply!

gardie, Jan 18, 12:26pm
If you have to use a suit, please don't even consider it.Imagine what it does to our bees.Without bees you won't have anything to pollinate your veggies and therefore no veggies.If its flowers then the bees won't pollinate them and there will be no more seeds for future generations.Drastic I know but this is what is happening to our bees.You just need to google world bee shortage (or something similar) to find out more.

firefly001, Jan 18, 12:29pm
Agree with gardie

spiritofgonzo, Jan 18, 4:37pm
What's the active ingredient!It's up to you re a suit, but nowadays, an off the shelf insecticide is not as nasty as they used to be, usually if you want to cover up, you can wear a spray mask, glasses, overalls, and gloves.If you're responsible with spray you won't hurt the bees - e.g. spraying in the late evening when they're not active.

gardie, Jan 27, 6:54am
Gonzo is right about some sprays not hurting bees as you spray in the evenings after the bees have gone back to their hives. BUT - and its quite a big one. many insecticides are residual and therefore stay in/on the plants and can still kill bees.