Not DIY but what lives in holes in banks

maclad, Jan 13, 3:17am
My boss has found two holes in a bank, I have yet to see them. They are roughly 3" or 4" across and he told me that the strangest noises were coming out of them. He was quite floored by the strangeness of the sounds. Kingfishers? Help me solve this before he does, kudos.

mrgts4, Jan 13, 3:20am
Wasps build nests in the ground

maclad, Jan 13, 3:34am
I have since googled noises made by baby kingfishers and it seems likely that is what the inhabitants are. They are very noisy, described as screamers and make other funny noises. Boss said sounded like "wild sex", in his wildest dreams, I think, them some sort of foreign language being spoken. What I googled seemed to fit. I will look for myself tomorrow. Love nature, always something to learn.

woody89, Jan 13, 3:36am
Kingfishers do nest in banks, I've heard they fly at them to dig the hole. Really cool, I hope your boss plans to leave them, it's likely the young are nearing time to leave if he can hear them.

russ18, Jan 13, 3:45am

maclad, Jan 13, 3:47am
Yep, hobbits were my first thought. And yes the kingfishers, or what ever they are, will be left in peace, unless they turn out to be stoats or similar. Really curious to check this one out.

christin, Jan 13, 3:51am
Possums? Not sure how deep holes are but they can get in small ones and also make a terrible racket!

maclad, Jan 13, 3:52am
Jeez I hope not already disposed of 60 last year, there has to be an end, doesn't there? lol

lythande1, Jan 13, 4:07am

reb53, Jan 13, 5:42am
Have seen a kingfisher flying in and out of a hole in a bank.
Upset to see a broken egg on the ground below it a few days later.

marte, Jan 13, 7:07am
Its several species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict .

nzjay, Jan 14, 12:23am
Most likely from a hatched egg and mum has pushed the remains out of the nest. so be happy (-;

tmenz, Jan 14, 1:45am
Safety deposit boxes.

ntalke, Jun 11, 2:10pm
Will be kingfishers,the young make a hissing noise

Had them nesting for years in banks
You can hear the sound of the Nestlings here