I have a lot of copper teapots. I don't use them any more because I use tealeaves in a strainer. I gather that some copper teapots are soldered together with lead. Those should not be used. Other copper teapots should be OK as are copper pipes. Stainless steel teapots are perfectly safe.
Nov 22, 1:46am
I seem to remember growing up in the UK where all water piping was lead. Fuel was also leaded. Paint was leaded. I really can't see that the risk would be very high with a soldered copper teapot! Hot water generally came out of a copper hot water cylinder and in later years, copper pipes with lead soldered joints.
We also had aluminium saucepans and an aluminium pressure cooker so it seems that according to some, most of what we grew up with wasn't very good for us!
Jul 25, 1:05pm
what is the ratio of milk to bi-carb please want to start on my cucumbers - thanks in advance
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