What plants do you wish you'd NEVER bought

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roseyglow, Oct 20, 7:02pm
Sometimes plants don't do the things they are meant to do>>

dmcjmo, Oct 20, 8:20pm
that yellow annual daisy with bluish leaves. Grows to about 50cm and seeds like 90 bastards

flier3, Oct 20, 8:51pm
LOL. dmcjmo !

gag5, Oct 20, 8:57pm
well, not bought, but planted - Jerusalem Artichokes!

pskpinks, Oct 20, 9:17pm
Arum lilies, agapanthus, acanthus, flax [any] and bamboo [even non -suckering] andthe horse radish - the roots went to China and spread into the lawn.

antoniab, Oct 20, 10:01pm
Euphorbia - Fen something. Its all over my mums gardens now lol feathery purple/green foliage about 15cm tall and spreads. Whoops!

kandjaja, Oct 20, 10:50pm
Berberis - its one prickly bastard of a tree.

harrislucinda, Oct 20, 11:22pm
ithasaverybiggreenleafandbrightpurpleflowersup astem

lythande1, Oct 20, 11:42pm
Purple caulifower.
Yuk, it's not. It's a broccoli and doesn't even keep it's colour when cooked.

smiler127, Oct 20, 11:45pm
Hmmm more of a tree really. Hubby wanted a seedless lemon, wouldn't listen to me about the correct place to plant it, so it did two years with wet feet and feeling sorry for itself.
Finally got him to agree to move it. It's now in a huge pot.and infested with ants and even ant killer doesn't work on them. It gets blossom and buds.drops them, small fruit rarely.drops them, leaves yellow.drops them.
This afternoons job is to haul it out of the pot, find the ant nest and if possible re-pot in fresh home made compost. I want to put it in the garden though, not the pot again.

toffeey, Oct 21, 12:09am
Agapathas. My dog liked to dig them up and play with them. The upshot is that now they are everywhere and seem to be completely unaffected by my attempts to remove them

flier3, Oct 21, 1:08am
LOL pskpinks - so you now have a lawn in China to care for!

kinna54, Oct 21, 2:28am
Flax.and red hot pokers.and those darn grasses that have a barb that finds it way even thru garden gloves.It was all planted at a house I rented once, andthere was an enormous rubber plant that dripped sap everywhere if you tried to prune it.and bamboo.I took to it all with a machete.and it still came back.

dms01, Oct 21, 2:58am
lemon balm. It self-seeds like you would not believe. Noone can drink that much lemon balm tea!

lyng1, Oct 21, 3:28am
Wisteria - beautiful I know but so invasive. Sends out shoots which root when they touch the ground, climbs into trees and strangles them, and when you cut it back, the shoots double!

nellbee, Oct 21, 4:09am

And violets in the border, which just smother everything smaller than them.

cwnda, Oct 21, 4:17am
I didn't plant it - it was here when I bought the house & it is gonna go as soon as it's usefulness as a privacy tree comes to an end. PRIVET! I think its alternative name is the cat-piss plant 'cause that's what it smells like!

.jillybeen., Oct 21, 6:24am
ornimental grape its like an ivy with a big leaf

countrybumpkinz, Oct 21, 6:48am
A mixture of very tall Cosmo's 50 in total, they looked lovely in flower and although they were last year, this year I am still finding little seedlings that are no where near the original planting place.

lalbagh, Oct 21, 7:50am
quick way to solve that one is to lift the pot, tree and all, and sit it in a tub of water with all the soil completely immersed. Leave immersed for three or four days. Ants nest will drown, tree will flourish

karakagranny, Oct 21, 2:08pm
Borage, one plant sure produces a lot of babies that have spread all over the backyard and Im forever pulling prickles out of my fingers because every time I have the compost lid off I decide to pull some out and of course dont have gloves on. The other annoying plant is the Love in a Mist. I have spent the whole of the spring pulling out thousands of seedlings. They look great in their rightful place but not on the borders

kumerakid, Oct 22, 12:51am
jasmine - before i knew what a sod it is

silverbirch1, Oct 22, 4:41am
Sisyrinchium, the yellow one, and Euphorbia Wolfenii, I haven't grown them here for 5 years but every year they appear.

clareo, Oct 22, 8:23am
We just spent the weekend getting rid of some - don't know what they were called but I planted them about 10 years ago - they grew into huge shrubs - but the flies they attracted.at least they are now gone!

auburn4, Oct 25, 2:41pm
Feverfew and miner's lettuce, they both seed like crazy for many years after. Also planted a pie melon last year that spread grew massively and has survived the winter frosts. Guess I have a killing job ahead of me. I did get 50 pie melon though(groan).