Ants climbing up exterior walls

janeways, Jan 24, 4:50am
I have ants entering the premises at several locations up the blockwork and under the barge boards - presumably, from there into the interior walls. I tried using No Ants gel bait by Kiwicare, as it sticks to walls, but now they just ignore it.
Any suggestions?

thea4, Jan 24, 5:26am
They can be rather partial to a mixture of Borax and sugar not sure how you would attach it to wall, maybe a self adhesive hook to hold a small container full

jills3, Jan 24, 6:56am
We had/have ants creeping through the bush then up the walls of the house, millions of them. The best product we found was Ants in your Pants, by Wet and Forget. After putting the product up around and on the house were they crept in, in about a week or less, there were millions of dead bodies everywhere inside the house, bath included, just a mass of black bodies. After 6 months ants returned, but still the best product I have found.

kaydee16, Jan 24, 7:02am
Flyspray works - spray the outside boards where their entry point is as well as the climbing ones. Check if they are coming out of powerpoints and spray them as well. Horrible, but it does temporarily get rid of them.

autumnwinds, Jan 24, 9:59am
Use Mortein Barrier Outdoor Spray, along their trails, and a good "splodge" right around and into their entry points - this should hold them for up to six months from getting into the house.

But then you need to attack the real issue - the nests - and establish what sort of ants they are. If they are Argentine Ants, the best product (by FAR) is available here - Used by professional pest controllers and councils, but easy for the average person, too. (They also have excellent pantry moth traps. )

lythande1, Sep 4, 6:44am
Block off entrance to the house.
I have ants IN my walls. endless baits and so on failed to eliminate them.
Rang exterminators - they just spray the whole house and put out baits. been there, done that.
Did some research, you don't get the whole nest, scouts bring some back but the whole nest doesn't eat it. so I just slowly sealed all the little gaps in the kitchen where they got in, I'd follow them and see where, 2 years later I have fixed the issue.