Ants eating strawberries

inthesummertime, Nov 12, 6:58pm
I think ants are eating my strawberries.There are holes in them and ants in them.I don't think its birds.Whats a good solution to keeps ants away from strawberries!

jag5, Nov 14, 12:57am
Try ant's all we use.everytime we see a pile of dirt or sand with a hole in the middle.sprinkle it around and they disappear.

It is s a poison.they pick it up and take it back to the nest .

chellybaby, Nov 2, 5:16pm
I have the same problem. They appear to be like large ants with wings. I've not heard of ant sand & am not keen on using poisin around the plants.
Have tried today a spray of cooking oil & dish washing liquid. Will let you know if it works.