Ants! Help!

buzzi1, Jan 12, 4:57am
My whole house is surrounded. They come in everywhere. I've tried every product. Even the Rentokil bright green gel. They just walk right over it.
Ants are driving me nuts. Sick of chasing them round the kitchen, bathroom and laundry.

lythande1, Jan 12, 12:04pm
You need to find where the nest is - follow them back there.
Then eradicate the nest.
Could be within the walls.

tmenz, Jan 12, 12:57pm
Consumer magazine ant killer recipe

You can make your own version of the ant killer using a recipe originally published as below:

This formula attracts the ants who eat it and then return to to the nest where they subsequently die. The other ants in the nest eat the dead ones to tidy up and they in turn die. Eventually the whole nest is killed off.

To make approximately 250ml

250 ml (1 cup) water
200gm sugar
25 gm (2 sp) honey
25 gm borax (usually only obtainable from a pharmacy)
25 gm boric acid (usually only obtainable from a pharmacy)

Heat the water and dissolve the honey and sugar in it to make a syrup.
Bring the syrup to near boiling point and dissolve the borax and boric acid in it.
Allow to cool and make sure all solids have dissolved.

Place the syrup into shallow jar lids, or small medicine bottles lying on their sides, or similar, on the ant trails. Dribble a little of the syrup over the edge of the lids onto the trails to ensure the ants find it. Once found, the ants will usually gather in large numbers to feed on the syrup. Do not clear away the gathered ants but allow them to finish feeding and return along the trails to the nests. They should disappear completely in a couple of days.
Do not allow domestic animals to eat the syrup - if necessary cover the syrup with a larger jar or clear dish with an edge propped up by matchsticks to allow access only to ants.

whitehead., Jan 13, 1:19am
it can take 6 months to kill an ant nest you need to put your poizen were they are traveling and keep fulling it up . i started one day with just a few ants coming in through the day to my sink to get water .went to use the loo at 11 pm and there was a strip of them coming down the wall 6 inches wide .i kept putting poizen down for six months befor i had killed all of them . they also will take bodys back to their nests to feed others so its up to you if you wont to leave the bodys for them to remove

rojill, Jan 13, 2:30am
This recipe works a treat - - ants gone completely in a week.

pauldw, Jan 13, 3:51am
AFAIK ants take dead ants out of the nest and dump them, they do not eat the dead bodies.

herc18, Jan 13, 11:42am
Get raid antbomb cans to let off in the house whilst out for several hours, also put under the house, available from supermarkets near the flyspray.

zirconium, Jan 13, 1:19pm
I found a Raid product called "ant sand" which you sprinkle into cracks where the ants are.This has worked perfectly in several different places, and you can brush it down into cracks so your pets can't get to it. You don't have to keep replacing it every day like the syrup or gel.

buzzi1, Jan 15, 3:20am
Thanks for the recipe. Re antsand it works temporarily if it doesn't rain or get blown away by the wind I've found. But they soon come back. Seem to have different types of ants at the moment. Some are small light coloured which move much faster than the larger black ones & don't respond to antkiller.

zirconium, Jan 15, 12:22pm

pogram0, Jan 15, 2:04pm
I'm a believer in getting the ants to swarm and then hitting them with insect killer. Put out something that attracts ants, like a jam jar top with some jam in it and then wait for the ants to swarm and go for it. Then repeat.

cleggyboy, Jun 11, 9:11am
As I have pointed out many times there is two types of ants, one type go for sugary stuff the others go for savoury stuff, so if the above recipe does not work try omitting the sweet ingredients and use peanut butter. Make sure the baits are outside under the house or somewhere (you do not want more encouragement for them to come inside) Also keep well away from pets as that recipe is deadly. I got these tips from the DSIR years back when they existed.