What is the best way to kill wandering jew/willie?

scottea, Aug 29, 12:45am
Have a patch about 2m x 3m that I want to clear and not worry about a return. Thanks

kam04, Aug 29, 12:57am
Wandering willie ! Chop it off!

cleggyboy, Aug 29, 1:13am
I had a small amount at my place, I painstakingly picked each piece out and every few days checked for any new shoots, after about two months I got ontop of it. Nasty stuff and bad for dogs.

samanya, Aug 29, 2:32am
Apparently chickens do a great job . if you haven't got any, could you borrow some?

tigra, Aug 29, 4:41am
Use a Weedkiller that contains Methyl Sulphuron but warning it has a 6 month life so you cannot grow anything else in that time

ricp, Aug 29, 6:21am
We used amitrole mixed with a sticking agent.
Damage it first (I jumped around on it with a rake!) as that breaks up the waxy leaf cuticles allowing the amitrole to penetrate better.
Got rid of it completely after two sprays.
At the moment it will be almost dormant but in another month it will start growing and the new soft growth is most vunerable.

mrfxit, Aug 29, 6:58am
Totally agree,
Works similar to the roundup type sprays but far stronger.
The active ingredient is commonly used in Gorse sprays

dibble35, Aug 29, 7:00am
I used Amitrole as well. 1st off I raked up the worst of it and got rid of that. Then sprayed the rest with Amitrole. I think i sprayed twice in the end. I check about once a month and theres usually one or 2 small pieces popping up but its very easy to deal with now. I wish the neighbours would get rid if theirs just thru the fence. my dogs allergic to it.

kwm30, Aug 29, 7:08am
i kid you not, what i found works a treat is my urine thrown over the infected area, do it for one week and its gone, it kills the grass too but creeping jew does not come back.
I've tried all the weed killers and what not. this works and is free as beer. which i think makes it even more potent.

samanya, Aug 29, 7:49am
Haaa, would a female Gin drinker be able to get the same results?
I'm asking on behalf of a friend (of course)

zak410, Aug 29, 8:30am
No reason why not, may even be Best;
I'm going to stock up on beer and start a business.

samanya, Aug 29, 8:44am
Haaaa . got a few tanks ready?

thistle4, Aug 30, 1:39am
Sprays and bees don't always get along. Just be careful.

scottea, Aug 30, 1:56am
Thanks for the help - going to strip out what is there this coming week and toss over the fence to neighbour who has "free-range" chickens and then spray/drown the area in about a week. We do use the "runoff" from under the dog kennels for spot killing dandelions in he front lawn as there is still enough acid in the pee to kill the weeds and not leave a big burn mark. We add it to the non-veg garden compost bin along with the solid waste: people look shocked when they see the lovely flowers in Spring to autumn and we tell them what is in the compost bin we use in the flower beds. Other waste goes into beg garden compost.

Thanks again.

ford_transit, Aug 31, 8:56am
sounds a lot nicer than the various poisons mentioned !
I don't mind wandering willie, roll it up, bit of black plastic over the ground

paora-tm, Aug 31, 10:04am
Great idea. I had ducks that cleaned up almost everything (including wandering jew) growing in the backyard - even a maryjane plant which I was growing out of curiosity.

mark.52, Aug 31, 11:07am
I successfully removed by hand weeding. It comes out easily. Re -growth is easily removed.

Only problem was I didn't realize it caused a pretty severe skin irritation. It was summer, and I had my shirt off, and no gloves. Spent the next three days itchy as.

The next time I did it I was gloved up/shirt on; no problems.

kaylin, Oct 14, 12:58am
Mine adore the stuff. I collect it from neighbours now because I don't have any left.