Planting between fence and driveway ?

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holmda, Feb 9, 8:38pm
There are some lovely grasses/tussocks that would also be soft if you had to open your car door against them.

bluefrog2, Feb 9, 9:30pm
The car park at the South Dunedin Pak n Save/Warehouse has natives planted at the ends of the parking spots. Hebes, some native grass, small manuka (I think) and a shrub that looks like Cousin IT. Tiny round leaves in the centre of the shrub surrounded by what looks like a mesh of dead twigs.
They're never watered except by rain, surrounded by tarmac, and seem to be surviving fine without actually growing very fast. Sounds perfect for a driveway.

EDIT: The Cousin It plant might be called tororaro. I'm not 100% sure, but it looks similar in the pictures.

bluefrog2, Feb 9, 10:34pm
. Or maybe matipo, Myrsine divaricata.

lilyfield, Jul 6, 9:51pm, I am trying to grow miniature aggies from seeds. Got three plants and tbey are still only 12 cm high and sparse in leaves and have not flowwered yet, after 3 ! Years.