I assume the ring is optional? My current one needs replacing as sticking :-(
Mar 10, 2:46am
Yep same thing
Mar 10, 2:54am
Awesome, thanks. Thought it was but hard to tell without seeing back! Will go grab one tomorrow.
Before I do, is there any way of fixing current one? Save cutting more keys. Sticks when turning, have to hold tongue right way and lift key etc. seems to bit hitting inside barrel but assume you can't open that?
Buy some graphite (sp) powder, that will Lupe up the pins and the tumbler.
Mar 10, 3:35am
Thanks. I have tried crc. It's the turning that's sticking, it sounds mechanical, as though something hitting something rather than being stiff. Sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.
It's something inside the barrel it's hitting but I guess you can't open that and look? Cheap enough to buy another I guess, just need to cut a few keys so was trying to avoid that :-)
Mar 10, 4:46am
Take it out and get a locksmith to check it, maybe just a worn key . Might be cheaper and less hassle of getting all new keys (o:
ETA CRC can make it worse, collects all the old filings and dust,
Mar 10, 4:48am
Lupe up Lol (o:
Mar 10, 12:55pm
Noting that you have CRC'd the lock . > Sticking when turning could be any of a badly worn key or lock but more often misalignment where the tail of the lock goes in to the latch. Does it turn freely for a few MM's & then start to get tight to turn
Mar 10, 12:56pm
Depends on the amount of crc & the amount of "working the lock afterwards & during the crc application
Mar 10, 1:12pm
When it sticks it is first off, ie won't turn at all. Once it starts turns freely.
It's like something in the barrel is stuck on something but once past that is fine. It's not a big something as if I lift the key slightly it usually works. But have to know how and fiddly.
Mar 10, 1:14pm
And I don't think worn key, as multiple keys don't work. Some very unworn!
I don't mind paying for a new barrel but need a few keys after so thought if I could fix would save the cost of those and the barrel. I guess it comes with at least two keys, but need at least five.
Mar 10, 5:46pm
The Yale one listed above was too long by about a cm.
$26, so I bought a whole new night latch by another brand for $21. The barrel is identical to the Yale one. Yet cheaper for the whole night latch .
There was some other night latches, but were $90 plus. Only wanted the barrel so thought cheqp enough.
Mar 10, 5:49pm
Way close than the Yale one. Hopefully the night latch part is same etc as can then get a new one of those too! Figured for $21 can't lose
The barrel length shouldn't matter but you cut the tag to suit the thickness of the door & latch internally
Apr 20, 2:37pm
The guy in the seemed to think it would make a difference. I wasn't sure so went the cheaper definite option. It was something I couldn't take back if wrong. I thought it would stick out from the door too much,
The other one out on now, latch and all and working fine. Had get two keys cut get one free so have five now :-)
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