Growing in my Lawn

trade4us2, Mar 23, 2:20am
I think you need to click on your picture to make it big!

rsr72, Mar 23, 2:41am
It's the drought causing all manner of weeds to come up where there was once thick grass.

iamgod1too, Mar 23, 2:49am
I have to laugh about this Drought business.
In my time in the Aussie outbacks we went through 3 drought periods
7yrs , 11yrs, and 14yr ones. No weeds came up through them.:)

rsr72, Mar 23, 3:06am
I doubt our lush NZ gardens can compare with the OZ Outback.

vflowerbomb, Mar 23, 3:06am
i think it is hydrocotyle weed - don't think its noxious but very annoying

robyn276, Mar 23, 3:08am
Dig it out or spray with Turfix (won't kill the lawn) or spray with round up and resow lawn. It will spread quickly if you don't get onto it quickly.

maclad, Mar 23, 3:13am
It's a creeping mallow and needs to be sprayed with any good turf weed spray. Glyphosphate does not kill mallow. It is also very easy to hand weed out as long as you have not got oodles of it.

robyn276, Mar 23, 3:23am
thanks maclad.I just took it for granted that Glyphosphate would kill it.

reggienz, Mar 23, 4:07am
It is hydrocottle, I had it in my lawn and got rid of it with turfix

quanto64, Mar 23, 5:06am
No it is not hydrocotyl.Hydrocotyl leaves are much smaller and tnged with a bit of bronze.This weed has tendrils and an orange flower.Use turfix which is a broad leaf spray so it won't kill the grass.(glysophate kills the grass as well) this weed thrives on the dry summer weather.It will die down in the cooler weather and leave a mat of tendril like probably is one of the mallows

iamgod1too, Mar 23, 6:25am
Thank you everyone.As the Lawn belongs to the Dog, I am not worried about the looks of it.As long it is mowed.In fact I like the look of it.I just had another look and it doesn't appear to have any tendrils that I can see. It just grows straight out of the ground.

lythande1, Mar 23, 7:06pm
They are a major problem in lucerne because they are tolerant of most herbicides.
I find digging them out is fairly easy - it comes up in long threads like kikuyu, and it doesn't come back if you get all the bits.

kaddiew, Mar 23, 9:17pm
It's in my lawn, and nothing to do with the drought.

tigra, Apr 26, 4:43pm
It spreads because it sends out shoots. easy to dig out and glypho will kill it - just make it a little stronger than the usual 10ml per litre.