Paspalum best spray

buddytom, Feb 20, 8:34pm
hi peoples, we hve a bad infestation of passpalum though our lawn. Her indoors wants it gone what is the best spray will round up do the trick TIa. Nick

wheelz, Feb 20, 9:35pm
I've tried roundup . Browns it off but does not kill. I managed to dig out on my hands and knees, then resowed the patches.some were very big!
If you try round up, be very careful, it is not selective in what it kills! Surrounding good grasses will die while the paspalam laughs.

maclad, Feb 21, 3:14am
Roundup will kill paspalum but needs more than one application and will kill off an area greater than that sprayed. You will need to resow and perhaps dig out the dead roots so the soil is nice and loose for resowing.
Once the paspalum is gone you will probably need to regulary remove any new seedlings with a knife or the problem will reoccur. Once the lawn becomes dense again that should help prevent it.
Solution, remove seedlings when small.

dlightful, Feb 21, 7:17pm
I use G-360 I got from the Warehouse and it kills it - 15ml per litre .

brigette6, Feb 22, 6:28pm
i got a small paintbrush and painted neat roundup onto each blade. that sorted it.

t_naki, Mar 18, 6:19pm
I was told by our local gardening expert that a teaspoon of Urea placed in the center of the plant base burns it off and also fertilises the soil for replanting new grass later.