Best quality garden mix

gtcrshr, Feb 25, 8:33pm
I have recently made some planter boxes (approx 11meters x 1meterx 600mm and need to fill them with some good quality mix for veges where in auckland is the best place to get a good quality mix ( i have filled the bottom withcompost/clippings etcbut need some good stuff for the top now

Many thanks !

gtcrshr, Feb 26, 3:16am
Bump !

fleur59, Feb 26, 12:01pm
If the box is open to the ground you could use the Living Earth brands of garden mix, if it is a closed to the ground box,container mix or potting mix as they have good drainage , there are heaps of good brands around.

rainbowwarrior1, Mar 27, 5:12am
At the warehouse they have daltons garden mix you need to mix this with a weedfree compost a bag of sheep pellets and some blood and bone and you will have a awesome veggie garden!