Tomato Help Please!

harrislucinda, Feb 9, 12:36am
Hadalooki would.ntworryasyourtomato.slookhealthy
they willtastesomuchdifferentthanshop,s

bambat, Feb 9, 2:12am
Thanks bobcat - was having a bit of a panic after last years disaster.

gardie, Feb 9, 2:57am
Those little bumps often appear on mine usually quite close to the soil.I actually thought they were the beginnings of little roots ready to go down to the soil if necessary.I may be right off key but I know for sure that they don't do any harm.

lythande1, Feb 9, 4:25am
Root initials emerge on a tomato stem as a result of stress ??

bambat, Feb 27, 10:18am
Thanks lythande1 - I will be blaming the really dry weather followed by a mega rain dump now gone back to dry.