Replacing sealant around bath ?

kp11, Jan 27, 4:22pm
I did it a few years & mucked it up. (DIY My Style).Time to do it again properly.
Do i really need to fill the bath with water!How long to leave it like that for!
Once the old gunks removed i clean the surfaces with meths before replacing sealer - is that right!
Then have to wait 24 hours to use it!

eddienz, Jan 27, 5:10pm
fill the bath with water!

kp11, Jan 27, 5:19pm
Lol, i know!Someone told me to fill the bath with water first - i think the theory was that the bath moves or something!lol.
Anyway. im miles away from that. getting the old stuff off is proving mighty difficult.Grrrhhhh

clangie, Jan 27, 5:38pm
lol,never seen or heard of filling bath with water. think they were pulling your leg. ive filled the bath when "setting" the bath into place when using expanding foam to anchor it but never when doing sealant

kp11, Jan 27, 5:48pm
Ohhh the toads!And gullible me believed them!

kp11, Feb 11, 10:04am
How major is it to get every scrap of old sealant off!
Its an old enamel bath with wooden surround.
Getting it off the enamels easy.Getting it off the wooden surrounds not without digging holes in the wood.
Does it matter if theres some bits of old sealer if i go over the top & cover it completely with the new sealer!