Dianthus - what is the best

macmar, Jan 24, 5:43am
to feed them with.I have been giving them thrive but they don't look that healthy.they are the 'carnation-type'.Thanks

stevee6, Jan 24, 6:55am
As they flower prolifically, dianthus, especially the carnation types like good well composted soil(really good drainage though), and a high potassium feed to keep them going. But they're not very long lived, so it could be yours are ready to finish. Maybe take some cuttings now, just in case.

daleaway, Jan 25, 1:04am
How long lived are they, stevee!

macmar, Jan 26, 4:28am
They are only 2-3 months old

samsnan, Jan 26, 4:44am
stevee6 I have quite a big bed of dianthus that are just finishing flowering, if I prune them back down lower will they sprout away again! . Was kind of hoping they would cause it gets expensive replacing annuals often. TIA

poppysinger2, Jan 26, 5:17am
I cant promise you yours will survive but here in Chch I cut mine back after the flowering is finished , feed and water and away they go again , this is their 2nd year now too!

stevee6, Jan 26, 5:22am
Varied - I've got a Mrs Sinkins which is several years old, but bought a hybrid last year which flowered then promptly died. They're really easy to strike cuttings from though.

stevee6, Jan 26, 5:24am
Cut back the finished flowers and then you should have a rather nice silverygrey hummock until next spring/summer when they flower again. As earlier, take a few cuttings though, just in case.

macmar, Jan 26, 7:38am
I will do that thank you.

robyn276, Jan 26, 8:02am
Have found that they really like very sunny spots to grow in. Part sun/shade they don't flower very well. Just making this point, as Isaw some in a garden and she was saying they were a disappointment to her. Told her to shift them and they are great now.

macmar, Jan 27, 7:21am
Mine are in a very sunny spot, in fact, I did wonder whether it may be too sunny and that was the problem.I have taken some cuttings anyway so hopefully they will grow for next season if the others don't pick up - thanks

stevee6, Feb 11, 3:13am
Sunny spot, great drainage - they love both. My best ones are on sand, and doing well.