am lining a garage (so framing is up) and only 1 corner is close to a house. Windows are double glazed. I'd love to hear alternatives to "see Gib/Pink Batts website". Many thanks
Jan 15, 8:23pm
More details would help .
Jan 16, 12:47am
Depends on how much money you have as to what you want to line it with.
Jan 16, 12:50am
Ive heard of two layers of Gib being used for noise, and fireprooof Gib would solve your other issue too.
Jan 16, 1:12am
Fundamentally I wish to hear less of the neighbours and to avoid burning them or vice versa. Clearly Fireline is good for fire rating but then how to reduce noise! Perhaps double Gib with 1xnoise & 1xFyreline. It is on a boundary so must be 30/30/30. Can spend whatever it takes to make it safe. Am also contemplating an internal brick wall.
Jan 16, 9:56pm
Batts in the wall !noise batts being around R2.2 is an option , but as far as noise reduction goes I dont think you gain much using noise batts above using standard . 1 layer of brace/noiseline will give you the 30/30/30 for the inside of the wall .13 std will achieve the desired rating for the outside Try that for starters , and if you want more noise reduction , throw another layer of 10 or 13mm std over the inside layer .use adhesive for the 2nd layer with a sealant beading sealing the perimeter of the wall akin double glazing .do around light switches and plugs as well. You may find you need to double line the ceiling .noise flanks around corners and is hard to stop sometimes
Jan 17, 1:59am
golfaholic2 wrote: 13 std will achieve the desired rating for the outside Try that for starters , and if you want more noise reduction , throw another layer of 10 or 13mm std
Thanks! BTW what does 13 std mean!
Jan 17, 1:16pm
Standard Gib
Jan 17, 1:27pm
It's not as simple as "throwing another layer of Gib " on the wall. To reduce noise transfer,you need to isolate the lining from the framing. This is done using a specific fixing system. Check out Winstone Wallboards fixing guide for more details.
Jan 25, 7:58pm
It is that simple , if he wants to keep it simple . He doesnt want to hear about resiliant rails etc . The guys lining a garage , not a sound studio
A 2nd layer of gib will make a noticable difference. Ive given enough info "I'd hope" for the guy to have a cost effective solution which any handyman can work with .
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