Plants under a long lounge window.

hhb, Jan 18, 7:22pm
Any ideas please! I am trying to go with a modern tropical mono house in white with dark grey linea. This area under window is west facing.something that flowers wld be great.maybe day lillies with some sort of smaller green shrub! Anyone please.

taurus2005, Jan 18, 7:31pm
Gardenias are wonderful, love the fragrant flowers.Not a fan ofday lillies, they are very untidy looking once the leaves start to brown, I was always pulling the dead leaves out at my other place.

hhb, Jan 18, 9:11pm
.Gardenias.cldn't remember the name of them.yes they smell divine,and thank you for the advice re day lillies.look lovely for a few weeks then rest of year a straggly dead mess.

stevee6, Jan 27, 10:47pm
Depends on the variety - I have Joan Senior and it remains green all year round, just smaller in winter.
How about convolvulus mauretanica, or cneorum. Both beautiful, evergreen and hardy in full sun.