How to remove undesirable grass in lawn

borolad, Nov 2, 10:14pm
Hi, I mostly have lawn with fine blade grass that is quite lush and in good condition. What is annoying is that there are several patches of broader leaf grass (not sure of name) that appears very different. I’m wondering whether there is any product that can be used, or whether I either have to re-grass or just put up? Appreciate any suggestions, thanks

snork28, Nov 3, 8:03am
there is quite a selection of products for your lawn like this,

tegretol, Nov 3, 10:10am
Banvine is your only answer - the Mitre10/Bunnings stuff is a half-hearted attempt. As far as I know, the only weed that Banvine won't kill is Paspalum.

Plus, feed your lawn with blood and bone to make it thicken and minimize the mosses.

tweake, Nov 3, 5:44pm
normal "weed killer" that others have suggested won't work.
the simple problem is if its a grass you can't kill it without killing the rest of the grass.

if its only in one aera, roundup it and regrass it (assuming you know what grass to get to match the rest).

jkp58, Nov 3, 7:23pm
join NZ Lawn Addicts on Face Book you will get very good advice

tegretol, Nov 3, 9:15pm
In case you didn't know what Banvine was, please discover it (use Google) and incredibly, you'll learn that it kills weeds but not lawn. !

tweake, Nov 3, 9:30pm
read the OP post, they are trying to kill a type of GRASS, not broad leaf weeds which 24d/dicamba kills.

tegretol, Nov 3, 10:55pm
I think you must be reading the OP on another thread. This one asks how to kill broadleaf without killing the fine grass. Banvine will do exactly that.

maclad, Nov 4, 6:10am
The OP states "BROADER LEAF GRASS" and nothing will kill that without killing the good grasses.

tegretol, Nov 4, 1:00pm
Can the OP clarify - do you want to kill the weeds or do you want to selectively kill the grass with wider blades?

sla11, Nov 4, 3:19pm
"Grass with wider blades" is good description of Paspalum by me - relative in Aussie reckons he gets something from the Bowling Club greenkeeper that kills Paspalum -digging it all out, resowing new grass is all I've ever heard of. Pain in the lawn as it just keeps right on coming away straight after mowing.

tegretol, Nov 4, 3:34pm
Dead right. Bunnings in Oz sell something that selectively nukes it but it's not avail in NZ apparently as it contains something unacceptable to the environmentalists. I usually roundup only the centre and wait for them to die before stuffing a handful of grass-seed into the soil.

tygertung, Nov 4, 4:48pm
I am pleased if anything green grows, it's all grass to me.

atlantis3, Nov 5, 5:48pm
We just dug it out and put new soil in spread some seed and lightly covered with a cheap compost to stop the birds and to help keep it damp. 3 weeks later new lawn . easy

christin, Nov 6, 11:51am
was just going to say this
try not to be too depressed at the state of their lawns lol

bryshaw, Nov 6, 6:37pm
Those star shaped weeds in the lawn have a humungously long root. The special weed tool digs them out.

brightlights60, Nov 6, 7:02pm
Our lawn is fabulous (its not "manicured") but its beautiful and healthy and even our guy who looks after our big tree and has his own gardening business is impressed. I usually use something like Turfix, which knocks out anything but the specific lawn seed, but having done horitcultural papers a few years back found out that the cheaper brands from places like the warehouse do exactly the same job (check the ingredients on the back, or google them). I do that once a year now, followed by a cut about a week to ten days later, then a fertilizer, either a liquid or a good natural product. A guy on TradeMe Graham14 has amazing products that I use these days. Other than a dethatch once a year that is all I do and its fabulous.
Just added to that, depends on what you start with. We have been here 22 years and this is our 3rd and best lawn. Its been down about 14 years. It was the spray on lawn, on a very thin layer of good topsoil. Previously we had ready lawn then another seeded variety, both dismally failed.

legolas_, Sep 9, 3:45pm
My lawn is dwarf rye and chewings fescue
This is what i use Haloxyfop 100
use 2.5mls per litre
Only in spring or autumn
This lawn grass is very waxy which saves it from the spray.
You need to know what grass you have before you use it
It works well and has been a game changer for me
Kills paspallum, kikuyu, couch, fog etc good luck
You Need to know your lawn species first tho